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我们用鲜花来装扮我们的房间。We adorn our rooms with flowers.

耶稣,光明的衣袍,使我华美。Jesus, Garment of Light, adorn me!

为了点出一个寓意,或者点缀一则故事。To point a moral, or adorn a tale.

黄金宝石饰锄犁。When gold and gems adorn the plow.

玦中心缺口吊饰玉珠。Jue hang adorn jade bead central gap.

自然懂得怎么装点自己。Nature knows well how to adorn itself.

玛丽喜欢佩戴宝石饰物。Mary loves to adorn herself with jewels.

量虚构的情节为自己的故事添油加醋。He tried to adorn his story with a lot of lies.

大红灯笼点缀着一家小超市的过道。RED lanterns adorn the aisles of a small supermarket.

无论将它们点缀在胸前或是下摆,都会让人惊喜!No matter adorn them, be lap, can make a person surprizing !

鲜花扮靓桌子,有趣的人扮靓厅堂。Flowers adorn the table adn interesting people adorn the hall.

铁艺家具和饰品,已经走进了千家万户。Wrought iron furniture and adorn article, had entered the country.

这个名号加在他的身上,比加在像我这样一个没有本事的可怜人身上好多啦。He'll adorn it better than a poor lammicken feller like myself can.

这些是他们的权利的美化,来使他们的未来生色。These are the ornaments of power with which they adorn their Galateas.

一排蜷曲而睡的男人们点饰着那些卷帘门前的两级台阶。A row of huddled sleeping men adorn the two steps to the shuttered doors.

你看,她天生有多大的本事用那些普通的花朵来装扮自己啊!And see with what natural skill she has made those simple flowers adorn her!

患有散光的近视患者,能佩戴隐形眼镜吗?Have the nearsighted patient of astigmatism, can you adorn invisible glasses?

圣诞节的时候,女士们经常用冬青花束来点缀他们的外套。At the Christmas season , ladies often adorn their coats with a holly corsage.

一直以来,女人们通过绘“曼海蒂”来装饰她们的手,或是纪念某一特殊场合。Women have been applying mehndi to adorn their hands or mark an occasion for ages.

塑料地板的实用价值高,再加上饰钉,更加重要的防滑作用。And plastic floor practical value high, plus adorn nails, the more significant skidproof.