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他陶醉在别人的奉承中。He basks in other people's adulation.

他靠下属的奉承而发迹。He thrived on the adulation of his henchman.

乔科尔对新东家流露出崇拜之情。Joe Cole on the new owner reveals his adulation.

这名官员在追随者的奉承话中得意洋洋。The officer basked in the adulation of his followers.

你对所有这些过誉和英雄崇拜感受如何?How do you feel about all this adulation and hero worship?

它们痛苦的尖叫迅速转变成对吾等恩赐的狂热谄媚。How quickly their shrieks of pain turn to enraptured adulation.

“骂杀与捧杀”,导致评论萎缩,是文学衰寂的重要原因。"Scold and adulation", cause the silence of literary criticism.

历史上有很多值得称赞和效法的伟人。History abounds with great men worthy of adulation and emulation.

有关他传奇的巧妙的奉承从一个城市漂流到另一个城市。The adroit adulation about his legend was adrift from this city to another.

而且你会学走下自己的”羞辱和奉承“的过山车。And you'll learn to climb off your own roller coaster of shame and adulation.

作为多产的巨星并不总是有大众崇拜和谄媚。Being a multi-selling megastar hasn't always been mass adoration and adulation.

在2007年高达河奉承架构丽城基督教鲁布托泵。The architecture of belvedere Christian Louboutin Pump in 2007 ar adulation as much.

我也曾经是酷爱湖塘的小男孩,占有无数个艳阳天与夏日。I too was a boy in adulation with a pond, affluent in brilliant hours and summer days.

不过有些事情保持原状——她的音乐魅力,和她歌迷的不断增加。But several things remain the same -- the glamour of her music -- and the adulation of her fans.

成功往往带来金钱和吹捧,但最惨烈的失败也能带来知名度。Money and adulation are rightly due to high achievers but the very worst garner recognition too.

由于没有自尊心,他于是挣扎着做任何能为他赢得赞美的事情。Lacking self-respect, he struggles to do whatever will please others and win him their adulation.

提摩太是一个沉浸于自我卓越当中的人,他站于人前,沉醉于他们的谄媚奉承。Timothy was a man bathed in his own greatness. He stood in front of people, drinking in their adulation.

卢拉有权利说他的国家值得尊重,就像他应该得到他受用的奉承一样。Lula is right to say that his country deserves respect, just as he deserves much of the adulation he enjoys.

大人物在世时领受的那份阿谀奉承,经常会伴其下世,直至坟墓。The same degree of undeserved adulation that attends our great man while living, often also follows him to the tomb.

我想他可能挣了太多钱,得到了太多吹捧,这可能会有一次把他推入绞肉机。I think he is probably making too much money, getting too much adulation to put himself through the meat grinder again.