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小儿疾病的发病原因。Pedistric disease's aetiological agent.

目前最新的研究致力于圆锥角膜病的基因研究,并认为是主要的病因之一。Now, recent investigations devote to gene, and think it one of the major aetiological factors.

使病因的事实或过程让病人知道,比起暗示治疗,才更是具有实际重要性的治疗因素。Making the patient conscious of aetiological facts or processes is a curative factor of far greater practical importance than suggestion.

不同职业的死亡率的统计对这些方面的价值较之对于开展新的病因研究的价值更大。Statistics on occupational mortality have been of greater value in these respects than in initiating the study of new aetiological agents.

结论新生儿腹泻病除对病因治疗进行外,液体疗法十分重要是关系到治疗成败的关键。Conclusion In infantile diarrhea, fluid replacement therapy is very important aside from aetiological treatment, and is the key of treatment.

结论分支杆菌特别是结核杆菌感染可能是结节病的病因之一。Conclusion The above findings suggest an aetiological role of mycobacterial infection, especially M. tuberculosis, in some patients with sarcoidosis.

邢糖尿病发病原因是,人体的免疫系统开始杀死胰腺里负责生成胰岛素的细胞。Xing diabetes aetiological agent is, human body's immune system starts to kill in the pancreatic gland to be responsible to produce the insulin the cell.

通过病原学研究,在甘肃省首次分离并鉴定了PRRSV和PRV,确诊了以上两病在甘肃省规模化养猪场中的存在。The aetiological study has isolated and identified PRRSV and PRV for the first time in Gansu, it confirmed the existence of the above two diseases in Gansu.

本研究的资料分析提示,在肝癌高发地区尽管HCV抗体阳性率较低,但HCV感染也是肝癌发生的重要病因之一。Although the incidence of anti-HCV was low in the high risk region for HCC, these data suggest that HCV infection is one of the important aetiological factors for HCC.

我们选取了烂鳍病、白便病和腹水病这三种在2002~2003年最为常见的养殖大菱鲆细菌性疾病进行病原学的研究。Fin rot, white feces and ascites syndromes were the common diseases in the years from 2002 to 2003, thus the aetiological study for these bacterial diseases had been emphasized.

结论对慢性细菌性前列腺炎的治疗,关键是需要正确的病原学诊断和药物敏感试验指导下合理使用抗生素。Conclusion The key to the treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis is the proper employment of antibiotics under the correct guidance of aetiological diagnosis and drug-sensitive test.

最近五十年来的精神病理学的研究毫无置疑地证明了神经症的病原学过程本质上是无意识的。Psychopathological research during the last fifty years has proved beyond all possibility of doubt that the most important aetiological processes in neurosis are essentially unconscious.

结论对细菌性慢性前列腺炎的治疗其关键是需在正确的病原学诊断和药物敏感实验指导下合理运用抗生素。Conclusion The key to the treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis is the proper employment of antibiotics under the correct guidance of aetiological diagnosis and drug-sensitive experiment.

幽门螺杆菌是慢性胃炎、消化性溃疡的病原体,也与胃腺癌及黏膜相关性淋巴瘤的发生密切相关。The presence of Helicobacter pylori in human gastric mucosa is now established as the aetiological agent of chronic gastritis and most cases of peptic ulcer and gastric adenocarcinoma world-wide.