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和阿伽门农之死。And Agamemnon dead.

我要把阿伽门农刻在石头上。I'll carve Agamemnon in the stones.

这里是阿伽门农这里是阿伽门农是谁?Here is Agamemnon Here is Agamemnon Who?

之后,阿喀琉斯被叫去见阿伽门农。Achilles is then told to go see Agamemnon.

解释亚格曼侬所面对的选择。Explain the alternatives facing Agamemnon.

把阿伽门农称为“人类之王”是再合适不过了。Agamemnon was fittingly called the "king of men".

我们不禁要问,为什么阿伽门农能被称作瓦纳克斯呢And that raises the question, why is Agamemnon Wanax?

你以为阿伽门农会在乎他兄弟的婚姻?。Do you think Agamemnon cares about his brother's marriage?

阿喀琉斯为了她与阿伽门农争斗并愤而退出战争。Achilles and Agamemnon for her angrily out of strife and war.

他的儿子杀死了自己的母亲,又被愤怒女神追捕。Agamemnon went back to Mycenae, only to be murdered by his own wife.

迈锡尼之王,堤厄斯忒斯的兄弟,阿伽门农和墨涅拉俄斯的父亲。A king of Mycenae, brother of Thyestes and father of Agamemnon and Menelaus.

阿伽门农将去接送他们,这样在来回的道上都能学一点儿。Agamemnon could go in for them, and could learn a little on the way out and in.

阿伽门农听罢怒火中烧,他说,"我绝对不会把这姑娘送回去Agamemnon gets furious with Achilles and he says, "No, I'm not giving back my girl.

总之,时间的流逝,并在特洛伊战争即将开始,我们自己的阿伽门农领导。Anyway, time passes, and the Trojan War is about to start led by our own Agamemnon.

他在希腊的迈锡尼岛发现了这个金面具,他认为是阿伽门农国王的遗物。He found this gold mask in a grave at Mycenae and believed it belonged to King Agamemnon.

从克莉坦那斯塔与唱诗班的交流中,我们可以得出关于她对亚格曼侬的感觉的一些什么暗示?What hints do we get about Clytemnestra's feelings for Agamemnon in her exchange with the chorus?

腰肢的猛一颤动,残破的墙垣,燃烧的屋顶和塔巅,阿伽门农死去。A shudder in the loins engenders there The broken wall, the burning roof and tower And Agamemnon dead.

合唱队惊惧地看待她的行为,但不管亚格曼侬作出什么,从未影响到合唱队对他的看法。The chorus regards her with a horror that did not color their regard for Agamemnon , whatever he had done.

阿伽门农被选为临时大元帅,这就是某种意义上的王Agamemnon has been chosen as the generalissimo and that is what gives him, temporarily, the title of wanax.

但是他们不能对任何人直接下命令,阿伽门农在这次征战中,的下令是个偶然的例外But what we have to remember is he can't give orders to anybody typically, although Agamemnon can get away with it on this expedition.