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现在,只有退化的阿伊努族群还幸存下来。Today, only vestigialcommunities of Ainu survive.

偶然的是,日本也有土著人,就是阿伊努人。Incidentally, Japan has indigenous people, the Ainu.

阿伊努人长得像亚洲人和高加索人的混合体。The Ainu look like a mixture of Asian and Caucasian.

日本的学校里很少会学习关于阿伊努的知识。Little about the Ainu are taught in Japanese schools.

阿依努的文化,也在阿寒湖附近的村庄被保留。Ainu culture is also preserved at a village near Lake Akan.

人是史前某个种族的最后残存者。The Ainu settlers in Hokkaido are the last remnant of a prehistoric race.

北海道的阿伊努人是史前某个种族的最后残存者。The Ainu settlers in Hokkaido are the last remnant of a prehistoric race.

一间原始阿依努的屋子,被迁移到博物馆外面留存。An original Ainu house has been relocated outside the museum for preservation.

阿伊努人居住在日北本,北方的北海道数百年了。The Ainu had Japan's northern Hokkaido Island nearly to themselves for hundreds of years.

“阿伊努”含义是“人”,他们以打猎、捕鱼、耕种、出售手工艺品给旅行者为生。"Ainu" means "human. " They live by hunting, fishing, farming, and selling crafts to tourists.

日本北方的阿伊努原住民,他们的文化语言和外表,都与它地的亚洲人与众不同。The Ainu of northern Japan are a people whose culture, language and physical appearance set them apart from other Asians.

阿伊努人是北日本大部分地区的原住民,在库页岛和堪察加半岛也定居着与他们有关系的部落。The Ainu were the originalinhabitants of much of northern Japan, while related groups had long settledSakhalin and Kamchatka.

阿伊努人是日本人的一群,他们有权利延续他们的语言、习俗和传统。Ainu people are part of Japanese people. They certainly do have the right to pass on their own language, customs, and traditions.

看看这精细的设计,靴筒顶端那鲜明的红圈。我想它是生活在库页岛上的阿伊努人制作的。Looking at these delicate designs, beautiful, vivid red that was surrounding the top of the boots I think they are made by the Sakhalin Ainu.

阿奴族人是阿寒湖一带的原住民。阿奴村的主街两旁满是售卖原住民手工艺品的商店。The Ainu people are the indigenous people of the Lake Akan area. The main street of the Ainu Village is lined with shops selling Ainu folk handicrafts.

冰封的阿寒湖面上每晚都举行吸引游客的文化节目,活动主题围绕阿努族原住民的仪式和生活方式。A cultural festival is staged on the frozen Lake Akan every night. Rituals and lifestyles of the Ainu people are the theme of many of the festival activities.

1868年明治统治日本政府后,就开放北海道给他人定居,阿伊努人被新移民近来的新一代取代后,而开始减少人数。After the Meiji took over the government of Japan in 1868, they opened Hokkaido to settlement and the Ainu were overrun by new arrivals, falling into decline.

尽管不断的被外人企图要殖民当地,阿伊努人的后裔,一直努力要保存他们的文化遗产,包括与大地和平共存的理念。Despite successive colonization attempts, the Ainu descendants have fought to preserve their cultural heritage, including the principle of living in harmony with nature.

在日本,由于政府数十年的漠视,到80年代晚期全国会说阿伊努语的已经只有生活在北海道岛的8位老人,但此后政府的鼓励政策又使这种语言得到了新生。In Japan, only eight elderly people spoke Ainu on Hokkaido Island by the late 1980s after decades of official neglect, but promotional policies have since revived the language.