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因此,我们必须要向门急诊领域扩展。So we need to get to the outpatient ambulatory realm.

另一个亚组采用动态血压监测。A subgroup of patients underwent ambulatory BP monitoring.

屯门医院日间医疗中心已经落成。Ambulatory Care Centre of Tuen Mun Hospital was completed.

屯门医院日间医疗中心已经落成。The Ambulatory Care Centre of Tuen Mun Hospital was completed.

每个门诊手术病人都要进行内科医师评估吗?Should an internist evaluate each patient before ambulatory surgery?

移动时使用附腿尿袋夜间使用大号引流袋。To leg bag when ambulatory. To larger bedside drainage bag at night.

蛛网膜下腔出血患者的动态脑电图观察。Observation on ambulatory EEGs in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage.

门诊手术病人术后恢复中心的地位是什么?What is the role of aftercare centers for the ambulatory surgery patient?

哪些病人被认为可以接受门诊手术?Which patients are considered acceptable candidates for ambulatory surgery?

尽管只是一个被泡在行走罐子里的脑子,但福图纳还是战胜了奥兰。Despite being just a brain in an ambulatory jar, Fortuna was able to defeat Olan.

人们说他是位能行走的病人,因为没有规定他必须卧床。He was described as an ambulatory patient because he was not confined to his bed.

该车可乘坐三名车组人员外加两副担架或四名伤员。The vehicle seats three crew members plus two litters or four ambulatory patients.

也有少数几家医院备有几套专门给紧急救护病人提供娱乐和幽默服务的病房。A few hospitals have entire rooms devoted to fun and humor for ambulatory patients.

人的身体也不会像蜡烛一样很快融化。A real burning human body doesn't melt away like an ambulatory enemy candle, either.

有趣的是,还可能在门诊基础上治疗某些患者。Interestingly, it is also possible to treat some of the patients on ambulatory basis.

总共573个病人2年后接受了24小时动态血压监测。In total, 573 subjects underwent 24-hour ambulatory blood-pressure monitoring at two years.

只有很小一部分病人选择住院来接受门诊手术。Only a small subgroup of patients may actually prefer hospitalization to ambulatory surgery.

经验证明具有较可靠的效果,可用于嵌入式智能便携心电监护仪中。These two can be applied to the ambulatory ECG monitor based on Embedded Microprocessor Unit.

此外,持续测量血压的降低直接与别嘌呤醇治疗相关。In addition, the decrease in ambulatory BP was directly correlated with allopurinol treatment.

门诊手术进行神经阻滞麻醉需要特别关注的并发症是什么?What complications of nerve block anesthesia are of special concern to the ambulatory patient?