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他是用美国运通公司的信用卡付账的。He pays by apex or with his amex card.

她把美国运通卡递给接待员。She gave the desk clerk her AmEx card.

他们希望利用何塞的形象,他的名字,如葡国投行和美国运通。They want to use Jose's image, his name, like BPI and AmEx.

但美国运通声称将采用更多样化的融资模式。But Amex says it will keep a more diversified funding model.

如果消费者不求斥金如土,但望勤俭持家,运通也希望一路有它。If consumers espouse frugality instead of ostentatious spending, Amex wants to be there.

从2007年开始,美国证券交易所凭借OPEN社区论坛提供业务咨询和分析。Since 2007, AMEX OPEN has relied on its OPEN Forum to provide business advice and insight.

今年6月,美国运通的贷款拖欠率为六大美国信用卡发行商中最低。In June, AmEx had the lowest delinquency rate among the six biggest U.S. credit-card issuers.

与纽约证券交易所和美国证券交易所的多数上市公司相比,在纳斯达克上市的大多数公司规模较小。The majority of companies listed on nasd aq are smaller than most of those on the nyse and amex.

美国运通公司版本的WorldMate至尊服务同样包括一键访问旅游顾问的功能。The Amex version of the WorldMate premium service also includes one-click access to Amex travel counselors.

纽约证交所、Nasdaq和美国证交所总成交量为83亿股,高于约76亿股的上年均值.Volume was 8.3 billion shares on the NYSE, Amex and Nasdaq, above last year's average of roughly 7.6 billion.

比如AMEX开设了论坛作为一个模板说明如和整合像twitter这样的网络到网站的用户体验。Sites such as AMEX Open forum serve as a model for how networks such as Twitter can integrate with the Web experience.

经济衰退带来的消费者削减开支和拖欠偿债的问题给美国运通等信用卡发行商带来了打击。AmEx and its peers have been hurt by cutbacks in spending and customers who are falling behind on bills in the recession.

请通过国旅运通服务小组人工订票或根据您的工作地点联系服务小组提交您的个人信息。Please use Amex manual service or contact Amex service team at your working location to submit your personal information.

纽约证交所、美国证交所和Nasdaq市场的总成交量为约77.2亿股,今年迄今的日成交均值为77.3亿股.About 7.75 billion shares were traded on the NYSE, NYSE Amex and Nasdaq, compared with the average of 7.73 billion so far in 2011.

纽约证交所、美国证交所和Nasdaq市场的总成交量约为64.6亿股,有一天低于日成交均值.Just 6.53 billion shares changed hands on the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Amex and Nasdaq, below the daily average of 7.49 billion.

纽约证交所、美国证交所和Nasdaq市场的总成交量约为76.7亿股,大致和日成交均值74.7亿股一致.Some 7.93 billion shares changed hands on the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Amex and Nasdaq, above the daily average of 7.47 billion.

并且,不用再拿手机在售货员面前晃了--签入系统后,交易数据会被直接同步到用户的运通卡。There's no longer the need to wave your smartphone at the salesperson--after checking in, deals are synced to your AmEx card directly.

纽约证交所、美国证交所和Nasdaq市场的总成交量为约83亿股.高于今年迄今77.3亿股的日成交均值.About 8.3 billion shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Amex and Nasdaq, above the average of 7.73 billion so far in 2011.

在经历了近两周的活跃交投后,今日成交非常清淡.纽约证交所、美国证交所和Nasdaq市场的总成交量仅为57.6亿股,低于今年的日均成交量约8.8亿股.Volume was very light after nearly two weeks of more active trading. Just 5.76 billion shares were traded on the NYSE, Amex and Nasdaq.

纽约证交所、美国证交所和Nasdaq市场的总成交量约为74亿股,不及80亿股的今年日均值.About 7.4 billion shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Amex and Nasdaq, below this year's daily average of 8 billion shares.