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西风和秀秀终于亲睦如初。West wind and finally show amity.

这样才能促进和睦,维护团结。That is the only way to promote amity and unity.

身为社会性灵长类,人类演化出群体内的和睦关系以及群体间的敌对关系。As a social primate, we evolved within-group amity and between-group enmity.

不过,据作家阿米提•瑞德所说,有的时候他们并不征询准妈妈的同意。But sometimes, according to writer Amity Reed, a woman isn't asked permission.

正是贪婪的罪恶把魔怪大白鲨引到镇上来。It's the sin of greed that brings the monster, the Jaws, the shark, into Amity.

东南亚国家的友好合作条约为他们建立了一个好榜样。The Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia is a good lesson for them.

只要我活著,我会为藏汉和睦贡献全部。As long as I am alive, I am fully committed to amity between Tibetans and Chinese.

伴随着2008北京奥运会的举行,中国人的“友好”更是名扬世界。And Chinese amity is known to the world as a result of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

中国自古以来就有亲仁善邻,崇信修睦的优良传统。China boasts a good tradition of seeking friendship and living in amity with its neighbors.

两个相互欣赏、相互学习的民族,也应该是友好相处、共同进步的民族。Two nations that appreciate and learn from each other should be able to live in amity and progress together.

欧洲尤其对修复与奥巴马任总统的美国的友好关系的可能性感到特别兴奋。Europe is particularly intoxicated by the possibility of restoring amity with America in an Obama presidency.

前法国总统吉斯卡尔·德斯坦最近曾表示,欧洲和睦的精神应当回归。Former French President Giscard d’Estaing recently said that the spirt of amity in Europe should be restored.

四川省永济的农业联合会和友好资金,被提名组织奖。The Amity Foundation and a farming association in Yongji, Shanxi Province, were named in the organization category.

系统具有人机对话界面友好、功能全面、用户操作方便的特色。The system has a person machine dialogue interface amity , function overall, the customer operate convenient special features.

爱国教会的官方印刷机构——“爱德印刷”印制中文版圣经才短短25年。It was barely 25 years ago since the Amity Press, the official press for the Patriotic Church, started printing Chinese Bibles.

顺利毕业于英语提高班的学生将会获得由阿米提大学颁发的英语提高班课程结业证书。The student who graduates successfully from the EEP, he or she will get the certificate graduation for EEP from Amity University.

地热能的开发是全球经济能源环境可持续发展的重要组成部分。Geothermal energy source is a new kind of energy which is very important because of its sustainability and amity to the environment.

比如,东南亚国家在1976年签署了友好合作条约,要求和平解决纠纷。For example, countries in Southeast Asia signed the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in 1976, calling for peaceful settlements of disputes.

信仰伊斯兰教的民族,同其他各个民族和睦相处,共同推动了国家发展和社会进步。Ethnic groups who believe in Islam have lived in amity with other ethnic groups and jointly promotednational development and social progress.

举不胜举的中国同事、同学以及爱德基金会的教师们阅读并评估了为本书撰写的故事。There are an innumerable number of Chinese colleagues, students and Amity teachers who read and evaluated the stories prepared for this book.