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昆明男科医院哪家医院好啊?Kunming andrology hospital family hospital Well !

青岛男科。尖锐湿疣。性功能障碍。Qingdao andrology. Wet sharp wart. Nature dysfunction.

江门哪家男科医院最权威啊?。Which Jiang Men City andrology hospital most authority?

这些新技术近来已被引进男科学领域。These new techniques have been recently introduced into the field of andrology.

重庆哪家男科医院治疗生殖器疱疹比较好?Which Chongqing andrology hospital does the herpes curing genitalia finish comparing?

湘潭什么男科医院最好?精细化科室,做到专病专科专治。What Xiangtan andrology hospital is best? Fine department, do special disease and specialty in.

湘潭博爱医院男科诊疗中心集科研与临床于一体,技术力量雄厚。Xiangtan Humanity Hospital andrology clinic scientific research and clinical in one, strong technical force.

中国科学技术协会会员,中华医学会泌尿外科学会会员,市男科学会理事。Science and Technology Association Member, Chinese Medical Association Society of Urology, city director of andrology.

湘潭什么男科医院最好?拥有尖端诊疗设备,专业一流诊疗技术。What Xiangtan andrology hospital is best? Have sophisticated diagnostic equipment, professional first-class treatment technology.

在接下来的三天里,我们要共同探讨、分享世界男科临床与科研的前沿与进展。这同样是一件何其令人快乐的事!In the following three days, we will discuss and share the most advanced progress in clinical and scientific research on andrology.

利用组织工程技术进行细胞移植的设想,已经为男科领域的组织再建工作提供了许多可能。The concept of cell transplantation by tissue engineering has provided numerous possibilities for tissue reconstruction in andrology.

男科疾病诊治水平的不断提高离不开科研的发展。The improvement of diagnosis and treatment of andrological disease depends on scientific advances in the corresponding domain of andrology.

阳痿、遗精、早泄是临床上男科常见疾病,胡希恕善用经方治疗。Hu Xishu is experienced with classical prescription medication for treating Impotence, emission and prospermia that are common in andrology.

此项研究为诊断男性不育症提供了新方法,在男性学精子核分子研究方面提供了依据。Also the study provides a new diagnostic method for male fertility and some parameters for molecular investigation of sperm nucleus in andrology.

从对泌尿外科及男科的常见病、多发病及本专科的各类疾病,拥有丰富完善的治疗方案。From the urology and andrology of common disease, frequently-occurring disease and the specialties of various diseases, has rich and perfect treatment.

谢菲尔德大学男科资深专家艾伦·佩西博士说,与骑车和男性生育能力相关的研究很多,而结果也是众说纷纭。Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield, said there had been a lot of interest in cycling and male fertility but results had been mixed.

各实验室间执行着不同的标准使得一个实验室与另一个实验间难以进行结果比对。Numerous different standards and criteria are being used by andrology laboratories, making it difficult if not impossible to compare results from one laboratory to another.

男性性腺功能低减在男科临床常见,分为原发性和继发性两类,共同之处都在于雄激素不足。Male hypogonadism is a group of syndromes in clinic andrology characterized by complete or partial androgen deficiency. It can be divided into primary and secondary hypogonadism.

同时李主任在国内权威专业期刊发表论文十余篇,在男科领域享有显著成就并获得较高的声誉。At the same time director Li in the domestic authority of the professional journal published papers, in andrology enjoyed a significant achievement and obtained a high reputation.

男科病由于其私密及一系列特殊性,患者常常伴有各种心理疾病,而心理问题又促进了病情发展。Because of Privacy and some other particular factors, patients from andrology are usually accompanied by some Psychological barrier which is considered as a cause to Worsen the condition.