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难道她就这样要活生生的憋死吗?Does she smother to death animatedly like this?

两名食客在午餐桌上发言热烈。Two diners at the lunch table speak animatedly.

这时满屋子的人又说又笑,兴高采烈。The room was then full of people chatting animatedly and laughing.

他们昨天下午在教室里热烈讨论这一计划。They discussed the plan animatedly in the classroom yesterday afternoon.

他们昨晚在宿舍热烈地讨论这个主题。They discussed the subject animatedly in the dormitory yesterday evening.

我们排队买饭的时候,他和杰西卡在绘声绘色地谈论打雪仗的情形。He and Jessica were talking animatedly about the snow fight as we got in line to buy food.

与有此兴趣的朋友一起畅谈是我最大的快乐。Discuss together with the friends with this interest animatedly it is my greatest happiness.

作为两支军队中的任意一队来参战,看着你的棋子栩栩如生地在棋盘上移动。Play as any one of the two armies and watch your pieces as they move animatedly about the board.

他们看上去善于交际,凑在一起相互交换名片、谈笑风生。They looked quite sociable, chatting animatedly amongst themselves and exchanging business cards.

会议代表昨天上午在会议室热烈地讨论了温总理的报告。The conference delegates discussed Premier Wen's report animatedly in the meeting room yesterday morning.

一位父亲带着他八岁的女儿驾驶着一辆车跟在另一辆车里的后面,那辆车里有一对夫妇正在激烈地争吵。A father and his eight year old daughter are driving behind another car where a couple are arguing animatedly.

最后几秒钟,科比跟场边估计没在祝贺他出色表现的火箭球迷有些不甚友好的对话。In the final seconds, Bryant talked animatedly with courtside Rockets fans who presumably weren't congratulating him on his game.

午餐的时候,我更加担心起来,因为杰西卡坐得离迈克远远的,和埃里克聊得很起劲。迈克显得异常地安静。My fears were strengthened during lunch when Jessica sat as far from Mike as possible, chatting animatedly with Eric. Mike was unusually quiet.

对于普罗富莫先生,这位前麦肯锡顾问,来说,这一切足够了吗?他一直以来热衷于讨论未来的宏伟蓝图,却很少愿意提到银行业的种种坑脏细节。Will that suffice for the ex-McKinsey consultant who talks animatedly about the big picture, but far less so about the grubby minutiae of banking?

这里隔离了人们喧嚣的谈话,没有一点噪声——它是市中心唯一一个安宁的地方。Noiseless apart from the babble of conversations that rise animatedly over the park's laidback soundtrack, it is singularly peaceful for a city centre location.

她在伦敦国王学院学习工商管理,交谈中她不时瞄一眼iPhone,看看Twritter是否有更新或是短消息。She is studying for a business management degree at King's College London and talks animatedly with one eye constantly on her iPhone, checking it for Twitter updates or text messages.

辛弃疾虽然没有留下词论、诗论或文论一类的专门理论著作,但是他有着自己的文学理论思想。In Xin Qiji's ci-poetry there are some unique works, which are quite different stylistically from many other writers of the ci-poetry, in that there exist animatedly human beings in these works.

云想容,生来美目顾盼,颊似朝霞,肤若凝脂,九岁隐现倾国倾城之貌,诞生就被赐封为太子妃。Cloud want to let her eyes animatedly expressive, born beauty, like the sunset, skin if buccal coagulate fat, nine years old of America laguna looms renderings birth given sealing for crown princess.

“知青”这一中国特定历史时期的产物,并没有随历史的结束而消亡,有关他们的一切仍鲜活地存在于各个时期的文本中。Educated youth "as a result of the special period in the Chinese history, has not withered away with the end of the time , everything about them still exists in the works of each periods animatedly ."