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他天生就封新观念起反感。He is antipathetic to new ideas.

她非常讨厌现代的教育方式。She was antipathetic to modern ways of education.

这就是精神层面,引起人厌恶的地方。And this is what is antipathetic about it for mentality.

这么繁华的街,孤单的我原来是那么的格格不入。So busy street, lonely I was originally so antipathetic.

一部冗长的电影,一个格格不入的天才,一段传奇的人生。A long story, an antipathetic talent and a legendizing life.

是我跟社会格格不入,还是自己忘记前进一步。Is my social antipathetic to, or their further before you forget.

这种音乐可是从两种互不相容的文化冲突中逐渐形成的。It is a music which evolved through the clash of two antipathetic cultures.

而现实中存在着和我们的教育格格不入又令人困惑的现象。And the education that move and we exist in reality is antipathetic bewildering phenomenon.

那些所谓的多功能家电为什么反而使人反感?Why on the contrary do those so-called multifunctional home appliances make person antipathetic?

每个孩子都有权不喜欢他们的母亲父亲或兄弟姐妹或叔叔阿姨,如果他们天生就厌恶这些的话。It has a right to dislike its mother or father or sister or brother or uncle or aunt if they are antipathetic to it.

作为一个不妥协的非客观画家,他憎恶具体的形象,特别是表现主义和装饰风格。As fin intransigent non-objective painter, he is antipathetic to figuration, especially Expressionist and decorative.

但是他的丈夫,一个高大、浓眉粗发、烟斗不离口的男人却与这个女性化的“仙境”格格不入。But his husband, thick hair of a lofty, heavy, pipe does not leave buccal man as Nancy as this however " elfland " antipathetic.

这些漂亮东西可能留下“后患”,与主人后来钟爱的家具或其他装饰物格格不入。These beautiful things may stay " future trouble " , the furniture that dotes on later with host or other ornamental are antipathetic.

“新艺术”运动的宗旨主要是对于机械的强烈反感,对于工业化的强烈挑战情绪。The purpose that "new art " moves is that intensity is antipathetic to machinery mainly , intensity to industrialization challenges a mood.