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在浓重的烟雾中,有一道禁烟的曙光。In the thick of the fug there is an antismoking ray of light.

这些法律行动预示了美国反烟阵营的一次大规模的新攻势。The legal actions herald a major new offensive by America's antismoking forces.

应采取应对措施,提高学生控烟能力。Some intervention measures should he taken to improve their antismoking abilities.

增加烟草税收以提高香烟价格,并且把这些钱投入戒烟运动中。Raise cigarette prices by adding higher tobacco taxes and use the money for antismoking campaigns.

反吸烟组织表示,这个建议旨在禁止像巧克力,甘草和糖等调味剂。Antismoking groups say the proposal is aimed against flavorings like chocolate, licorice and sugar.

尽管这些变化正在发生,禁烟倡导者们还是继续对在工作场所吸烟的限制施压。Despite the changes taking place, antismoking lobbyists continue to press for stricter limitations on smoking in the workplace.

但仅仅几天之后西班牙的新禁烟法生效后,接着1月1日,Tejedor,43岁,已一跃到一个新兴的运动领袖。But just days after Spain's new antismoking law went into effect, on Jan. 1, Tejedor, 43, has been catapulted to the head of a burgeoning movement.

作为禁烟的第一步,政府首先应该禁止一切香烟及烟草广告,然后发起反对吸烟的宣传运动。For a start, governments could begin by banning all cigarette and tobacco advertising and should then conduct antismoking advertising campaigns of their own.

在烟草的危害第一次被人熟知的几十年后,总统签署了美国历史上最严厉的禁烟法案。Decades after the dangers of tobacco first became known, the strongest antismoking anti-smoking legislation in U. S. history has been signed into law by the president.

路易斯安娜州立大学、贝勒大学、乔治梅森大学、里海大学以及其他学校近年来也修改校规,将水烟包含到禁烟之列。Louisiana State University, Baylor University, George Mason University, Lehigh University and others have expanded their antismoking policies to include hookahs in recent years.

例如,针对青少年的反吸烟运动,针对处在紧密社会关系中的高中生会比针对个别吸烟者可能会更有效。Antismoking campaigns aimed at teens, for example, might be more powerful if they were geared toward the most socially connected students in a high school — rather than individual smokers.

研究结果支持跨理论模式的有用性,并提供教育者作为发展不同吸菸阶段介入以促进菸害防制的参考。These findings offer support for the transtheoretical model to apply in the antismoking programs, and implications for use of the findings by educator in developing stage- based interventions.

几个禁烟提倡者说这种休闲场所实际上看上去符合协议的法律条例,然而有一些说他们怀疑这是否真的符合协议的意图。Several antismoking advocates said the lounge, indeed, seemed to comply with the legal terms of the settlement, though some said they wondered whether it was truly meeting the intent of the agreement.