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我战战兢兢地等着他给出评论。I waited apprehensively for him to comment.

他担心地审视着我的脸。He studied my face apprehensively , and I sighed.

他敏捷地朝挤满了人的舞厅瞟了一眼。He glanced a trifle apprehensively towards the crowded ballroom.

对症下药治虚火广州“五一”黄金周楼市无悬念!Case in Guangzhou but fire "51" Golden Week property without apprehensively !

我抱歉我不可能设法最好做事和总是做您惶惑。I am sorry i cannot try best to do the things and always make you apprehensively.

花园朦胧的天空中,一只鹳的身影清晰可见,正在忧心忡忡地奔忙着。Conspicuous in the hazy sky above the garden a stork bustles about apprehensively.

花园朦胧的天空中,一只鹳的身影清晰可见,正在忧心忡忡地奔忙着。Conspicuous in the hazy sky above the garden,a stork bustles about apprehensively.

近日,有关联想有意介入地产界的悬念终于尘埃落定。Recently, the Legend interested in the real estate sector apprehensively finally settled.

我当然要告诉她的,”他略带忧虑地朝喧闹的舞厅瞥了一眼。Of course I'll tell her." He glanced a trifle apprehensively toward the crowded ball-room.

他们开始动手拆帐篷,装雪橇,巴克在一旁担心地看着他们。Buck watched them apprehensively as they proceeded to take down the tent and load the sled.

然而,在毫无悬念的情况下,广州开始畅想2010年亚运年。However, in no circumstances apprehensively , started strong in 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou.

至此,格力集团的资金链再遭考验,给格力集团的去向留下悬念。Thus, the Green Group funds chain from test to name the whereabouts of a group apprehensively.

陈逸飞飞去后,他留下的画的价格是否会飞升,成了萦绕人们心头的一个悬念。Chenyifei hours later, he left the painting prices will rise, become a apprehensively takes the minds of people.

当病中的弗瑞德?韩礼德慢慢地走上讲台作关于伊朗的演讲时,等待中挤作一团的500名听众都有些担心。CRUSH of 500 listeners waited apprehensively as, ill and moving slowly, Fred Halliday came up to speak about Iran.

房地产市场外部风险日益扩大,已使投资房产走上一条充满悬念的不可持续之路。The real estate market growing external risks, investment properties has led to a full apprehensively unsustainable path.

如今央行作出这样的结论,基本上表明近期内,至少是大城市的房地产价格走向不会再有悬念。Now the central bank to make such a conclusion, basically that the near future, at least the major cities property prices to no apprehensively.

在经历了一年的房地产价格之争后,房地产业界内外对房地产价格的上涨走势已不再存有悬念。After a year of struggle in property prices, the real estate industry and outside of the rising trend of real estate prices is no longer a apprehensively.

目前开发商都用自己利润填补窟窿,但如果明年第二季度价格仍持续上涨,房价会不会上涨这将是明年的悬念。Currently developers are using their profits to fill the holes, but if prices continued to rise in the second quarter of next year, prices will rise this will be the next apprehensively.

⊙、花木芳香,草长莺飞,怎奈一句清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂,使得清明二字在文字深处更增添了几分烟雨迷蒙的感觉。Fragrant flowers and trees, the grass sprout out of the earth, but a heavily as qingming comes passers-by with lowered spirits go, make clear the word deep in the text added a bit more apprehensively.