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它表现得恰如其分It's behaving appropriately.

使用适当的固定器和转矩器。Use holders and turners appropriately.

适当地为表列建立索引。Index your table columns appropriately.

蓝色的卫生间与水相衬恰如其分。Blue bath rooms are appropriately watery.

恰当地遮盖住所有食物吗?Were all food items appropriately covered?

试图为每个场合适当地打扮。Try to dress appropriately for each occasion.

金大中送葬者的情绪确实悲痛。THE mood among mourners is appropriately sombre.

抽风设备必须放置在合适位置。Extraction trunks must be positioned appropriately.

两个可疑的方面分辨受到猜忌。Two apprehensive aspects are doubtable appropriately.

这个调用被称为序列拆封非常合适。This is called, appropriately enough, sequence unpacking.

ESD防护区是否适当的贴上标签标示出?。Are ESD protective areas appropriately marked and labeled?

你发出声音,别人做出适当的反应。You make some sounds and people somehow respond appropriately.

我还觉得他和Ginny的小打小闹,作者处理得很得体。I also thought his spat with Ginny was done very appropriately.

花型中的小点子须做适当的放大。The minute dots in the design should be appropriately enlarged.

之后,用户就可以适当地编辑或修改这些设置了。The user can then edit and modify these settings appropriately.

当然,要确保雇员懂得如何合适地出力。However, make sure employees know how to contribute appropriately.

永久性安装的管道应当有相宜的标识。Permanently installed pipework should be appropriately identified.

脑力劳动者还应适当吃些甜食。The brainworker still should eat some of sweet food appropriately.

确认补遗及信息已清晰罗列好。Verify addendums as noted and information addressed appropriately.

BOH区是唯一获得适当的认可的人。The BOH area is only accessible to appropriately accredited people.