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不需要批准。No approval needed.

他微笑着表示了他的同意。He smiled his approval.

他咧嘴一笑表示赞成。He grinned his approval.

交易由管理员批准。Deals for approval by admin.

你为什么需要别人的赞同呢?Why do you want their approval?

格蕾丝赞许地看着他。Grace watches him with approval.

孩子渴望赞同。The child hungered for approval.

祭司唱起赞歌。The flamen chant their approval.

人群一听便大喊大叫,表示赞成。At this the crowd roared approval.

这是好运来临的信号。This is a sign of divine approval.

一切都得由他批准。Everything had to have his approval.

中方公司证明信?Approval letter from Chinese company?

宗教领袖们鼓掌表示同意他的意见。The pastors applauded their approval.

我保留最终批准权。I reserve the right of final approval.

格雷先生买这架照相机,包退包换。Mr Grey bought his camera on approval.

他们对这项计划表示赞成。They voiced their approval of the plan.

他购买了一台包退包换的电视机。He bought the television set on approval.

这也有待FIA同意。This too remains subject to FIA approval.

这计划我们得送上去批。We have to send in the plan for approval.

她高兴地表示赞同这个建议。She purred her approval of the suggestion.