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泰国咖啡,我的初恋情人。Thai Arabica Coffee is my first lover.

阿拉伯咖啡是咖啡豆的一种。Arabica is one species within the genus of coffee.

低温是咖啡叶细胞的致死温度。Temperature below 5℃ was lethal for Coffea arabica leaves.

它拥有最严格的制作过程,已确保其最高的品质。Gourmet coffee comes from the best coffee beans of coffea arabica.

这很有可能减少阿拉比卡咖啡种植农的生产热情。This is likely to lower production incentives for Arabica producers.

咖啡的拼配几乎都包含“阿拉比卡种咖啡”和“罗巴斯特种咖啡”。The coffee blend is almost always made up of both Arabica and Robusta.

厚实深沉的印尼小果咖啡,口感奇特,糖浆般浓郁。A superb Indonesian arabica with a smooth, dense flavor, almost syrupy body.

夏威夷可纳咖啡和其他高山种植的阿拉比卡咖啡的混合物。A blend of Hawaiian fancy Kona and other high-mountain-grown Arabica coffees.

其正确的名称,因为它应该是对化妆品的标签是小粒咖啡籽油。Its correct name as it should be on cosmetic labels is coffea Arabica seed oil.

优等的阿拉比克咖啡豆的低产量也是咖啡价格高的原因。Poor harvests of high-grade Arabica beans have also contributed to the surge in coffee prices.

该咖啡目前由云南和拉美地区的咖啡豆混合而成。The coffee beans from Yunnan will be initially combined with arabica beans from Latin America.

每个物种的品种排名下面,有许多品种的阿拉伯咖啡树。Each species has varieties ranked underneath it, and there are many varieties of arabica coffee trees.

优级云南蓝是由优质的阿拉比卡咖啡豆与少量的野生咖啡豆混合而成的。Yunnan Blue Supreme is made from a blend of high quality Arabica beans including rare wild coffee beans.

而且,阿拉比卡咖啡树的特殊的生长条件将决定其是否能成为极品咖啡。Rather, the specific growing conditions of Arabica coffee plants will determine whether they are gourmet or not.

消化液中所含的酶会渗透入咖啡豆——通常都是苏门答腊的阿拉伯咖啡豆——用一种微妙的方式改变了咖啡豆的化学元素。The enzymes penetrate the beans -- usually arabica in Sumatra -- and change their chemical balance in subtle ways.

阿拉比卡咖啡豆,此款优质综合咖啡为真正的咖啡鉴赏家展现了饮品的乐趣。Composed entirely of Arabica coffees, this high quality blend unveils pure pleasure to the true coffee connoisseur.

康立灵芝人参咖啡是由独特的高品质阿拉比咖啡豆、人参与灵芝所制成的。K-LINK Arabica Coffee is made from a unique blend of high quality Arabica coffee beans with ginseng and ganoderma extract.

极品咖啡豆在其种植地国家要经过仔细的手工挑选、加工处理并把它们分门别类。This species of coffee plant known as Arabica coffee is the most commonly grown species of coffee grown throughout the world.

阿拉比卡咖啡树是全世界种植最普遍的一种咖啡树。This species of coffee plant known as arabica coffee is the most commonly grown species of coffee grown throughout the world.

时下,人们往往依据咖啡豆生长的地区来分类,于是摩卡咖啡这一名称只限于生长在也门地区的阿拉比卡咖啡豆。Today, coffee beans are often classified by growing region, making the term specific to the Arabica beans grown throughout Yemen.