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也许你的档案也是这样。And so too, perhaps, do your archives.

原始记录性是档案的本质属性。Originality is the nature of archives.

档案馆过去的获奖者和发问。Archives of the past winners and questioners.

你能从档案中找出这份资料吗?Can you dig the material out of the archives?

你能从档案里把这个材料查出来来吗?。Can you dig the material out of the archives?

密级档案可以销毁吗?。May Archives Keeping in Secrecy be Destructed?

他从档案室挤出一些情报。He eked out some information from the archives.

目前档案馆已禁止了劳莱使用该馆的设施。The Archives has banned Lowry from its facilities.

全宗卷是全宗档案的档案。The total records are files of archives collation.

文件可以从多个卷合并以便拷贝。Files can be cued up for copying from multiple archives.

他们中的一些可能来源于皇家档案之类的。Some of them were probably from royal archives and so on.

天津开发区档案馆内保存有各类政府文件。The TEDA Archives keeps all kinds of government documents.

在尼克松档案馆里,存放着两封手写的感谢信。In the Nixon archives are two hand-written thank-you notes.

我在凡尔赛档案馆的一间破旧小屋里工作过I worked in the archives in Versailles in the small stables.

你想看英国广播公司档案资料的一部旧新闻纪录片吗?Would you like to see an old newsreel from the BBC archives?

这其中又有绝大部份为满文、蒙文档案文献。Besides, most of which are archives of Manchus and Mongolian.

负责员工人事档案系统的规范化管理。In charge of employees' personnel archives system management.

这项发现刊登在星期一的国内内科档案杂志上。The findings appear in Monday's Archives of Internal Medicine.

这档口搓外壳就容易多了,只是弄得两手乌黑。This archives mouth roll shell is much easier, just two black.

的御令和信件保存在国家档案馆里。The emperor's decrees and letters were in the national archives.