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他们难道没有承压井么?Don't they have artesian wells?

莫让时光空自流啊!Do not Let the the time empty artesian ah!

有时候人们也用自流含水层这一术语表示承压含水层。Sometime the term artesian is used to denote a confined aquifer.

一些研究天然泉的地理学家对自流泉感兴趣。Some natural springs geographers are interested in artesian spring.

飞瀑流泉和苍松翠柏又把你带回大自然的怀抱之中。Feibao Artesian Bore Baths Calocedrus pines and then you back into the embrace of nature.

这种谷物伏特加采用活水酿造,采用红色花岗岩过滤,它叫什么名字?This pure grain vodka is made with artesian water and filtered through red granite chips.

“金标”CMC作为钻探泥浆体系中的水溶性胶体,组成钻井液。"Jinbiao"CMC can be used as water-soluble gel for drilling fluids, and can form artesian well liquor.

新埕1地震观测井,是华北地区流量最大的自流热水井。The No. 1 seismological observation well in Xinying is the largest artesian thermal-water well in North China.

鄂尔多斯白垩系自流水盆地北部为沙漠高原区,南部为黄土高原区。The north district in the Ordos Cretaceous Artesian Basin is desert plateau. And the south district is loess plateau.

当地的自流井供水不足,饮水主要靠32公里外海尔地方的井水。Local artesian well water supply shortage of drinking water mainly rely on Haier's 32 km outside the local well water.

较低的一层在海生粘土下面,蕴含着几处用于饮用和商业用途的自流地下蓄水层。The lower one, underlying the marine clay, contains several artesian aquifers used for drinking and economic purposes.

引洮工程是甘肃省有史以来最大的水利工程,属大型跨流域自流引水工程。Yintao project, a large scale inter-basin artesian diversion work, is the biggest hydraulic engineering in Gansu province.

反射回来的声波经计算机处理转换成图象,最终便形成一个能指导钻井操作的模型。The echo was converted to graphics by computer and made up a model which can direct the operation of artesian well at last.

随着承压水压力的增大,陷落柱泥化带、裂隙带和破碎带的宽度都相应增大。With the increase of pressure of artesian water, the muddy zone and fractured zone of collapse column increase correspondingly.

经过名为阿尔坤塔拉的阿拉伯铜壶蒸馏,获得极其细腻的生命之水。Obtained by the traditional and artesian Arab method of copper pot still, Alquitaras, to achieve an eaux-de-vie of unique finesse.

认为用承压井水位潮的观测也可以研究固体潮现象,一口好的承压井其观测资料中包含着更多的信息可以开发。It is thaught that the observation of the water-level tide in artesian well can also be used to research the solid tide phenomenon.

指出速度水头对同一液面高度的实际流量的影响及不同液面高度下的自流发油流量。Described are the influence of velocity head on the actual flows with same level and the artesian flows for different liquid levels.

本文以苏18井为例介绍了自流井泄漏的处理技术与井口水动力参数的试验结果。This paper introduced the technique of treating leakage of artesian wells and the results of experiments on hydrodynamic parameters.

小型自流引水工程是农村饮水解困工程的主要形式之一。The small-sized artesian diversion work is one of the main forms of the work of overcoming the drinking difficulty in the rural areas.

钻井综合试验装置是研究井下工具、钻井基础理论和应用技术的仿真试验设备。The synthetic artesian well tester is the emulation test equipment, which is used to study well tools and basic theory of artesian well.