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File metadata and controls

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但是ASCII仅是一种编码。But ASCII is just a code.

现在ASCII码包含字符了。Now ASCII involves characters.

在这里,就是一系列ASCII码。In this case, it's a sequence of ASCII characters.

在这个例子中我选择使用一个128位的ASCII码的关键。In this example I chose to use a 128 bit ASCII key.

我们目前看到的这个东西叫做“ASCII“码“And the thing we've seen thus far is called "ASCII."

这是字符艺术方面一个非常简单的例子。But this is perhaps a very simple example of ASCII art.

它在用的非美国的ASCII字母发送邮件时很有用。Useful when sending messages in non-US ASCII alphabets.

回想一下我们上周提到的ASCII码。And ASCII recalls the code that we talked about last week.

所有在注册表里显示的GUID是以带括号的ASCII形式。All GUIDs in the registry appear in ASCII form within brackets.

混沌初开时,互联网的电子邮件协议仅支持你键盘上看得见的ASCII码。The original Internet e-mail protocol only supported ASCII text.

是否允许在韩文和英文模式间转换。Whether to enable to change the input mode between hangul and ascii mode.

广为人知的NOTEPAD.EXE程序就是专门针对ASCII文本文件的编辑器。The well-known NOTEPAD.EXE program is an editor for plain ASCII text files.

这个函数需要的网页资源内容是UTF-8或者ASCII字符集。This function expects the web page contents in UTF-8 or ASCII character set.

在美国信息交换用标准码和数据通信中,包括头标和正文的一系列字符。In ASCII and data communication, a series of characters including headings and texts.

别人盖茨的名字的ASCII码的和是663,而十进制数3在ASCII码的值是51。The name Bill Gates in ASCII adds up to 663 but the decimal number 3 has ASCII value 51.

如果设定此项,组织文件时将会使用下划线替代文件名中的空格。Whether organize files will rename files such that they only contain 7-bit ASCII characters.

美国信息交换标准代码漫画家一个独特,滑稽,自由软件兑换动画制作图片活跃以简单字符作成的画。ASCII Animator is a unique, funny and free software to convert GIF image to animated ASCII art.

至于代表文字方面的规约,主要方式是雅舒码和纳斯迪码。As far as protocols for representing text are concerned, the main schemes are ASCII and EBCDIC.

这样可以消除类似ASCII或BAUDOT这样的异步码中的起始和停止位。Thus eliminating the start and stop bits used in asynchronous codes like the ASCII or BAUDOT code.

此信息不能被7位ASCII编码读出,并二进制附件形式发送。The message cannot be represented in 7-bit ASCII encoding and has been sent as a binary attachment.