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正义必将得到申张。Justice will assert itself.

该令牌仅仅断言用户的特权。The tokens simply assert user privileges.

是小于等于0的。I assert the counter is less than or equal to 0.

上节课我们已经探讨了,这两个断言语句。I'd last time talked about the two assert statements.

"见鬼,"我插话道,"连我都知道这个地方为什么不能用断言。"Heck," I put in, "even I know why you don't use assert here.

一共开发出100多条测试向量,10条断言语句。More than 100 testcase and 10 assert statement were developed.

法官的秘书宣称法官已不再有管辖权。The justice ' clerk assert that the justice is functi officio.

敌人是一定要寻找机会表现他们自己的。The enemy will invariably seek opportunities to assert himself.

同时,我们也可以声明类的外延必须是互不相交的。And it is possible to assert that class extensions must be disjoint.

当人们认为内向者没有话说,纠正他们,相反的,内向者不会说话除非他们认为有些重要的事情要说。Correct people when they assert that introverts have nothing to say.

赫尔姆先生打算声明该法案违反了宪法第一修正案。Mr. Helm plans to assert that the bill violates the First Amendment.

“提出你的主张,看你的伴侣怎么反应,”她说。"Assert yourself and see what your partner does with that," she says.

奥巴马试图维护美国在亚洲地区的霸权。He is still keen to assert U. S. supremacy in Asia Pacific -- so the U.

西米亚斯并非冒失地提出,无形的东西可以毁灭。Simmias doesn't merely assert boldly invisible things can be desytroyed.

是那些针对我们来争取穷人权利的农民吗"Is it peasants who are come and assert the rights of the poor against us?"

加入测试条件或其他判断提示陈述式来验证指令码的结果。Add test conditions or other assert statement to verify the script results.

我得说,前三甲的任何一个人都可能获胜。I have to assert that any one of the Final Three could have won the season.

欧盟必须主张共一个立场,并发挥带头作用。The European Union must assert a common position and take the lead on this.

所谓民主没有「红线」,其实是一种民粹论述。To assert that "one cannot set limits on democracy" is populist demagoguery.

这是一个切实可行的办法如果你是准备重新断言巨集。This is a practical approach if you're prepared to redefine the assert macro.