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阿丝翠得赢得了比赛!Astrid takes the game!

小说从阿斯特里德十二岁时开始写起。The novel opens when Astrid is twelve.

其次,阿斯特里德并未真正理解她的母亲。Second, Astrid does not really understand her mother.

苏珊去世前把他介绍给了女招待阿斯特丽德·蒙克斯。Before her death, Susan introduced him to Astrid Menks, a waitress.

毫无疑问,阿斯特里德是一个早熟,且讨人喜欢的姑娘。There is no doubt that Astrid is a very likable and precocious girl.

1953年,我同阿斯特里-约翰逊结婚,我从小就认识她了。In 1953, I married Astrid Johannessen whom I had known from childhood.

经过这一切,阿斯特里德尝试着领悟自己究竟是谁,从哪里来。Through all this, Astrid attempts to figure out who she is and where she came from.

首先,诚如前文提到的,读者并未真正理解叙述人阿斯特里德。First, as stated before, the reader does not really understand the narrator, Astrid.

三个人保持很近的关系,甚至在发出的节日贺卡上签字为“沃伦、苏珊和艾斯翠”。The threesome remained close, even sending out holiday cards signed, “Warren, Susan and Astrid.”

阿斯特里德必须学会如何遵守每个寄养家庭的规矩,在新的环境中生存下来。Astrid must learn how to survive in this new environment, according to the laws set in each home.

而以林格伦童话为代表的作品则具备了现代社会的狂欢色彩。The fairy tale by Astrid Lindgren's works are represented with carnival colors of modern society.

苏西一度想打道回府,但最后,她请她熟识的一家餐馆女侍兼酒保艾丝翠‧孟克斯去看她丈夫。For a while, Susie thought she'd have to go back, but in the end she asked Astrid Menks, a restaurant hostess and sommelier she knew, to check up on her husband.

比如,阿斯特里德有时会感到焦虑,因为她知道母亲有些出格的计划,但读者却没有被告知她母亲的行为中有哪些蛛丝马迹引发了这种焦虑。Astrid becomes anxious at times because she knows her mother has something devious planned, yet the reader isn't really shown what clues in her mother's behavior bring on this anxiety.