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是一个定义,是一个原理。It's a definition. It's an axiom.

这简直就是陈词滥调和滥用公理。It's a very cliched and abused axiom.

让鉴赏力不会有错的公理见鬼去吧.Poof goes the axiom that taste can't be wrong.

确立和解终结诉讼原则。Establishment of reconciliation cesser secta axiom.

“性是坏的”这个公理在社会和科学中占据了主导。The "sex is bad" axiom predominates in society and science.

西凤却为向南能掌管公理而倍感骄傲。West chicken for south can be in charge of axiom and proud.

定义了不分明拓扑空间的拟R0分离公理。The definition of the pre-R0 separation axiom was introduced.

分离性是拓扑学中重要研究课题之一。Separation axiom is one of the important studied content in topology.

客户机-服务器计算的原则是在服务器端检查所有东西。An axiom of client-server computing is to check everything server side.

在逻辑学和数学说,真理是指不容置疑、理所当然的事物。In logic and math, an axiom is something unquestionable or taken for granted.

作为应用,给出结合BCI-代数的一组等价公理系。As application, we give a equivalent axiom system of associative BCI-algebras.

确立逮捕的谦抑原则或者逮捕的必要性原则。Establishment the axiom of seize suppresses or the necessity of arrestment axiom.

给出的格蕴含代数的公理系统,并给出另一个公理系统。Simplify the axiom system of lattice implication algebras , which was given by Y.

可能设想一个世界,其中可归约性公理是无效的。It is possible to imagine a world in which the axiom of reducibility is not valid.

这是基于宇宙微波背景辐射和物理学公理的联合推论。This is an combined inference derived from Axiom of Physics and observation of CMBR.

这一直是文艺批评,尤其是神话和犯罪小说文艺批评中所沿用的指导原理。This axiom is still used as a guide in criticism, especially of mystery and crime fiction.

粗集公理化是粗集理论研究的一个重要部分,它的目标是获得可靠和极小的粗集公理组。This paper discusses the minimization of axiom groups of rough set based on some literatures.

法秩序统一性的真义是价值评判上、公理上的一致性。The real meaning of legal order's unity is a consistency in the sense of value judging and axiom.

飞速的经济增长会带来自身的问题,这已经是一个公理。It is by now an axiom that a generation of breakneck economic growth has brought its own problems.

古色雷斯国公理你可以存在无多士炉烤箱、但它并非真正的生活?An ancient Thracian axiom states you can exist without a toaster oven, but is it ain't really living?