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他给临时来照看孩子的保姆付了钱。He paid the babysitter.

你是个男保姆?You are a man babysitter.

我不知道能否信任一个男保姆。See I don't know I can trust a man babysitter.

很抱歉,我的保母无法待到九点以后。I'm sorry, but my babysitter cannot stay after nine.

今晚我们需要一个看孩子的,因为我们要在外面吃饭.We need a babysitter tonight,because we are eating out.

在美国,很多忙碌的母亲把电视当成住在家里的保姆。American mothers use the TV set as a live-in babysitter.

这个保母正被雇来照顾小孩子。The babysitter is being hired to take care of the baby now.

在美国,很多忙碌的母亲把电视当成住在家里的保姆。Most busy American mothers use the TV set as a live-in babysitter.

在他们睡觉或者和保姆在一起的时候我才会抽。I smoked when they were sleeping or when they were with the babysitter.

这个不听话的小孩不愿安静地坐着,都快把保姆逼疯了。The refractory child would not sit still and drove his babysitter crazy.

玄月中旬的一个周五晚上,我们请了一名暂时保母照应孩子们。On a Friday night in mid-September we hire a babysitter to watch the kids.

沃尔奇知道有些男人会对他不要雇佣男性保姆的建议很不满。He knows some men are offended by his advice to never hire a male babysitter.

当妈妈出国时,孩子得到了保姆的精心照料。While the mother was abroad, the baby was dealt fairly well by the babysitter.

但要是你有小孩,那么你当然需要和保姆安排一下。If you have kids then of course you have to make arrangements with a babysitter.

你看了看四周,可能会说,“这孩子的保姆或父母呢?“And then you look around and you'll say "Where is the babysitter or the parents?"

当两兄弟开始争夺起那辆玩具卡车时,褓姆便介入来停止纷争。The babysitter stepped in when the two brothers started fighting over the toy truck.

找个临时保姆在这里比较好,可是我不知道找谁。I think it would be better to have a good babysitter here. But I don't know who to ask.

几分钟后,我们的钟点保姆来了,于是我和卡桑德拉出门吃晚餐。A few minutes later, our babysitter showed up, and Cassandra and I headed off to dinner.

如果你急需一个看小孩的,请呼玛丽,因为她招之即来。If you need a babysitter quickly, call Mary, because she will come at the drop of a hat.

该手袋还放在桌上,第二天,当我的保母劳伦阻挡的。The handbags were still on the table the next day, when my babysitter Lauren stopped by.