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直销人文学科,使得该领域的一些人忧心忡忡。Baldly marketing the humanities makes some in the field uneasy.

不客气的说,所谓下士者绝大部分是指一般的知识份子。Speaking baldly , the lowest types men mostly are the common intellect.

碰到如此坦率的接近举动,许多游客都有所犹豫,担心这可能是一个骗局。Visitors often balk at being approached so baldly and worry that the encounter could be a scam.

本次赛事中,以光头示人的鲍春来打出了近年来少有的霸气。In this sports event, by Bao Chunlai who showed baldly has split out the recent years unusual aggression.

在解释你所知道的事情时要委婉一点,因为如果太过坦率这些事可能激起你的敌意。Tread gently if explaining what you know since you may arouse hostility if you tell the truth too baldly.

家里有一个毫不掩饰撒谎的孩子是够让人震惊的,但即使是从耶稣家里出来的孩子也会不时地撒谎吧。Having a child baldly lie can be shocking to parents, but even kids from Christian homes do lie sometimes.

现行宪法第166条竟然宣称,在土耳其的居民都是土耳其人。Article 166 of the constitution, which remains in force, declares baldly that the inhabitants of Turkey are Turks.

在地海的头三本书里,这些信息是偶尔一些思想的闪光,我并不认为它们会以这样直白的形式出现。There are some sententious bits in the first three Earthsea books, but I don't think they stand out quite this baldly.

有一些人,他们从此放心大胆的为所欲为,目无法纪,肆无忌惮地满足自己的私欲,杀人放火无所不为。One is that people do baldly everything as they want despite of laws to meet all their private demands, such as killing and robbing.

我们下方,恐怖的根须和光秃秃地花枝,正张牙舞爪地等着猎物落下来。We below, hideous basis beard and merely and baldly the bloom twig is production intimidating gestures ground to await find to drop down.

本年五角大楼关于中国军力的一份报告承认中国正在制定策略,以在冲突中尽快获得“电子优势”。A Pentagon report this year on China’s military forces said baldly that the country was developing tactics to achieve “electromagnetic dominance” early in a conflict.

自从广网险些被郑洁剃光头出局后,孙甜甜在日本打了三场单打资格赛,没能闯入正赛。Leaves office baldly nearly after the broad net by Zheng Jieti, Sun Tiantian has played three singles qualifying trials in Japan, has not been able to enter the match.

值得一提的是,对于自己的胜利,鲍春来没有去想太多,而是“迷信”地将这一切归功于他的“光头”。What is worth mentioning, regarding own victory, Bao Chunlai has not gone to want to be too many, but is "blindly believed in that" gives credit to him " baldly " all these.

他是中国羽毛球队的花样美男,却剃了一个大光头,他认为“自己的光头吓到了对手,最终才赢得了比赛。”He is Chinese badminton team's pattern US male, actually shaved one greatly baldly , he thought that "own frightened the match baldly , has won finally only then the competition."

政治权力可以建立真理的概念,是违反了现代研究型大学的思想基础,美国大学教授协会委员会直言不讳地强调了这一点。The idea that political power can establish truth is a conception so contrary to the intellectual foundations of the modern research university that the AAUP committee could not state it so baldly.