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我们不能接受使国家分裂或巴尔干化的行为。We can't accept the fragmentation or balkanization of the country.

就这样,从苏丹脱离埃及的那一刻开始,苏丹的割据进程开始了。Thus, the balkanization process started with the division of Sudan from Egypt.

但是,梵蒂冈描绘诺耶斯的有线电视已经是巴尔干的低效率模式。But the Vatican as portrayed in Noyes' cable is already a model of balkanization and inefficiency.

这就是为何伊拉克被认为是中东和阿拉伯世界分裂的核心。This is why Iraq was outlined as the centre piece to the balkanization of the Middle East and the Arab World.

而东非和阿拉伯世界的分裂割据是美国、以色列和北约的战略目标。Secession and balkanization in East Africa and the Arab World are on the U. S. , Israeli, and NATO drawing board.

由于美国大都市区政治的“巴尔干化”或曰“碎化”,使一系列问题的解决难度加大。The political Balkanization and Fragmentation in the great metropolis makes it difficult to solve a series of problems.

事实上,从英国在埃及苏丹的殖民统治结束后,分割苏丹的计划就形成了。In reality, the balkanization project in Sudan has been going on since the end of British colonial rule in Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.

美国人发现其社会科学突然间没有了支配性的理论,并逐渐滑入当前方法论上的割据状态。American social science found itself suddenly without an overarching theory and began its subsequent slide into its current methodological Balkanization.

美国社会科学突然发现自己没有了涵盖一切的理论,开始后来陷入当今方法论巴尔干化的衰落过程。American social science found itself suddenly without an overarching theory, and began its subsequent slide into its current methodological Balkanization.

苏丹分裂危在旦夕。多年以来,苏丹南部的领导和官员一直受到美国和欧盟的支持。The balkanization of Sudan is what is really at stake. For years the leaders and officials of South Sudan have been supported by America and the European Union.

本文描述了空间巴尔干隶属度、信息资源相似度,介绍了逻辑空间巴尔干生成的条件。We also describe the affiliation index of balkanization, similarity of information resources and offer the conditions under which virtual balkanization emerges.

冷战结束后,东南欧成为了欧洲最不稳定的地区,“巴尔干化”的幽灵再次在欧洲徘徊。Following the end of the cold war, Southeast Europe became the most unstable region in Europe, with the specter of "Balkanization" wandering once again in Europe.

根据Yinon计划,科普特人或基督徒是埃及的多数人群,他们是北非阿拉伯国家分裂的关键。According to the Yinon Plan, the Copts or Christians of Egypt, which are a large minority in Egypt, are the key to the balkanization of the Arab states in North Africa.

除了技术上的贡献,他们还必须对他们的团体进行整合,以激励志愿者并且避免经常存在的分歧和条块分割的风险。Beyond technical contributions, they must then integrate their communities in order to mobilize volunteers and avoid the ever-present danger of forking and balkanization.

了解了这个地区的历史背景充满纷争,以至有了“巴尔干式的分裂和割据”这样的单词,你会懂得战后的恢复是多么困难。With a background in the region's history -- so marinated in discord it gives us the word "balkanization" -- you begin to understand how hard it must have been to heal after the war.

这是通过联邦制度的软性割据实现的,如此一来,库尔德地区政府就可以亲自和外国石油公司洽谈。This has been achieved through the soft balkanization of federalism in Iraq, which has allowed the Kurdistan Regional Government to negotiate with foreign oil corporations on its own.