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他讲了一些老套话作为开场白。He preluded with some banal remarks.

忙碌平凡的一天就这样开始了。Then, a busyness but banal day was began.

使…变陈腐因不加区别的使用而使之变得平庸,陈腐。To make banal or hackneyed with indiscriminate use.

由于他反复使用这些陈腐的题材,所以他的文章味同嚼蜡。His frequent use of cliches made his essay seem banal.

马路两遍的是平凡丑陋的新摩天大楼的景象。A banal landscape of ugly new towers flanks both sides.

隐藏的喇叭里幽幽地传出平淡乏味的音乐。Bland, banal music tinkled discreetly from hidden loudspeakers.

带有蓄意做作的、粗俗的、平庸的或故作诙谐的品性或风格的。Having deliberately artificial vulgar banal or affectedly humorous qualities or style.

今天,很难相信平庸事物中的性解放或美学复兴。Today, it's hard to believe liberation or aesthetic renewal can lie in something so banal.

曾经似乎老套的衣服,现在看来很合适。What once looked unwearable now seems ordinary, and what once seemed banal now looks right.

假使我们的目标是超越前人的功绩,就要拒绝平庸而不去想什么不可能。If our aim is to over-achieve, we need to avoid the same banal influences and think impossibly.

他的疯癫的反现实的艺术比从可靠的来源得来的平凡的有威严的消息更能引起我们的兴趣。His lunatic counterfactual art is more appealing than the banal awfulness of the Reliable Sources.

这表明战争可能会带我们去看犹如真去杀死其他人类的那种恐怖行动。It suggests that war might lead us to see as banal the very horrifying act of killing other humans.

这听起来很老套,但你会吃惊地发现人们是多么容易忽视这条放之四海而兼准的好建议。This sounds pretty banal but you'd be surprised how often people fail to heed this standard advice.

自然有。即时的回合制就是一个,我们因为时间不够而没有实现。Naturally. Simultaneous turns was one such idea, but we didn't implement because of banal lack of time.

还有其他原因,其中包括要说出一些既给人以灵感又不落俗套的话并非易事。There are other reasons as well, including the difficulty of saying something inspirational without being banal.

那些对20世纪事件很熟悉的人来说,这些玩意仅仅是旅行者商贸上的快乐惊喜。Those familiar only with the banal 20th-century examples made for the tourist trade are in for a happy surprise.

有时他会与Platitudinarians大教派的领袖辩战,他光辉照人的同时又可以是平庸的。At times he vies with the leaders of the great sect of the Platitudinarians, and he can be as banal as he is brilliant.

我们发现,平庸的评论比笑话所提出的问题更容易使人大笑,可是这种习性是怎样发展和形成的呢?The discovery that laughter is more often produced at banal comments than jokes prompts the question, why did it evolve?

这些作品是一系列普通物件如油漆罐、园艺装饰品等的大特写。The photographs are a series of close-up, large scale images of banal objects including paint tins and garden ornaments.

但是,大约100本中国推展新翻译的,大多数是从国家出版商出版的平庸地介绍中国的书籍。But of some 100 newly translated titles that China promoted, most are banal introductions to China from state publishers.