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在致远星战役关卡劫持一架妖姬战机。Hijacked a Banshee during the Reach Campaign.

骑着斑溪兽的战士在天空盘旋俯冲,遮天蔽日。BANSHEE RIDERS circle and swoop, darkening the sky above the grotto.

可是为什么鬼哭神嚎也会引发相同的反应呢?But why does the sound of a wailing banshee evoke the same response?

我想告诉她,女妖天性敏感,她们会流泪哭泣,但从不嚎叫。Banshee keen, I wanted to tell her, they wail and weep, but they never howl.

骑着斑溪兽的战士们高举长矛和弓箭,鞭策着他们的座骑飞向天空。Banshee riders raise spears and bows, spurring their mounts to leap skyward.

就个人而言,我欢迎这种迁移,Banshee是我最喜欢的Linux音乐应用。Personally, I welcome this move. Banshee is my favorite Linux music application.

由于女妖能预知未来,因此她也就知道谁马上就要死去了。Since the banshee can predict the future, it knows who is going to die beforehand.

Banshee由Aaron在2005年创建,其目标是为Linux平台创建一个媒体播放器。Banshee was started by Aaron back in 2005 to create a media player for the Linux platform.

从上面——杰克斑溪兽的小小影子投射在魅影巨大的背翼上。FROM ABOVE -- THE SMALL SHADOW of Jake's banshee falls across the back of the mighty Toruk.

既然太姥爷曾经见过也听到过女妖,我就在想也许我家也有一个这样的女妖。Now since my grandpa had seen and heard the banshees, I'm beginning to think we may have a banshee in our family.

只见他从橱柜里抄起一把鱼枪,从壁炉架边抓起一把剑,一边像个女妖般嚎叫,一边冲出门外。He picked a speargun out of the closet and a sword off of the mantle piece and ran outside screaming like a banshee.

女妖希尔瓦娜斯·风行者领导着半数的亡灵军团发动了一场试图颠覆阿尔萨斯统治的政变。Half of the standing undead forces, led by the banshee Sylvanas Windrunner, staged a coup for control over the undead empire.

姥姥的记性已经模糊了,于是就问她妹妹玛丽还记不记得类似的事情,玛丽姥姥就想起了太姥爷在科克郡与女妖的那次遭遇。Her memory was vague, so she asked her sister Mary, and Mary reminded her of his banshee incidents back in County Cork Ireland.

你会发现办公套件使用了LibreOffice而非OpenOffice,Banshee成了播放音乐和影片的默认播放器。Instead of OpenOffice, you’ll find LibreOffice for office use, and for playing music and videos, Banshee is now the default player.

我还问他见没见过报丧女妖,“见过,”他说,“就在那头水边,它用双手拍打着河面。”I asked too if he had ever seen the banshee. “I have seen it, ” he said, “down there by the water, batting the river with its hands.”

尽管在短暂时间内这替换了Banshee作为默认播放器,但兼容性问题将迫使开发者切换回Rhythmbox。This will replace Banshee which was the default for a short while, but compatibility issues forced developers to switch back to Rhythmbox.

后来他们才知道,马利身上一半的基因来自他们在宠物店匆匆见过的那只“嘴边冒沫儿、身上厚厚裹着泥、哀声嚎叫的家伙”。Only later did they realize that the "frothing, mud-caked banshee" seen briefly at the breeder's house might account for half of Marley's genes.

他的斑溪兽——与他相随一生的斑溪兽——从空中飞跃而下,降落在他的面前。他走向它,抚摸着它的头。它用头轻触他的胸部,像马一样。HIS BANSHEE -- bonded for life -- flaps down to a landing in front of him. He steps to it, and strokes its head. It nudges his chest like a horse.

人族看起来已经接近完成了。只是有一些一些研究科技时的画面问题以及女妖的图象问题。The Terran side seems very close to completion. Besides a few place -holder graphics for tech and the lack of a portrait on the Banshee it looked done.

船首上的雕像,曾经可能是条有漂亮身材的人鱼什么的,已经彻底塌下来了,现在倒象个正在尖叫的女水妖。The figurehead at the bow, once probably a curvaceous mermaid, had been worn down by the elements until it now resembled more an aquatic banshee in midshriek.