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这个教堂没有洗礼池。This chapel has no baptismal font.

包含名字,教名或者洗礼名。contains a forename, given or baptismal name.

大家都在洗名的平等前低下头去。All are bowed beneath the equality of baptismal names.

每个基督徒受洗的权利不辜负这个标准。Every Christian by baptismal right has to live up to this standard.

游泳池变成了kolibithra,是洗礼圣水盘,而且免税。The swimming pool becomes the kolibithra, a baptismal font. No tax.

今天会后将在梁家声家举行受浸聚会和教会事奉聚会。A baptismal meeting and church service meeting will be held after lunch.

听众们蜂拥般跟随着他跑,急切地希望能沾上几滴洗礼的圣水。They surge to follow him, eager to be touched by a few baptismal drops”.

中文部的浸礼习道班四月份开班﹐向许蓁蓁牧师报名。The Chinese baptismal class begins on April, please register with Pastor Shu.

在基督教会最早期的时候,它开始时是作为一个洗礼的信仰表白。In the earliest days of the Christian church, it started as a baptismal formula.

是的,因为洗礼时由牧师宣布的名字将成为孩子的法定名字。Yes. Because the baptismal name pronounced during this ceremony legally becomes his name.

他们表示,他们已经对这里的水质进行了测试,完全适合朝圣者进行洗礼仪式。It says it conducted tests at the site and the water is perfectly safe for baptismal ceremonies.

确认是说要礼物的精神,为加强,而洗礼的宽限期,是宽恕。Confirmation was said to be the gift of the Spirit for strengthening while baptismal grace is for forgiveness.

如果一个印第安人皈依了基督教,他会取一个受洗名或教名,然后把原有的名当作姓。If an Indian was converted, he might take a baptismal or Christian name, and then bear his old one as a family name.

教会将于八月份再有一次受浸聚会,请准备好要受浸的弟兄姊妹与郑弟兄或郑姊妹联络。The church is preparing to hold a baptismal service in August. If you would like to be baptized, please contact Bro. Jeng.

在基督教洗礼仪式上还包括给孩子取名,因为在洗礼仪式上,孩子接受基督的洗礼而获得重生。The Christian baptism also includes the naming of the child, since during the baptismal rite the child is reborn into Christ.

他的洗礼证明上记载的他的生日是1810年2月22日,但这多半可能是牧师记载错误。His baptismal certificate lists his birthdate as February 22, 1810, but this was most likely an error on the part of the priest.

这是圣洗恩宠的正常成长,它使我们出生于教会的怀中,并使我们成为基督身体的肢体。It is the normal flowering of the baptismal grace which has begotten us in the womb of the Church and made us members of the Body of Christ.

这个伟大的圣日的三个星期前,古罗马和耶路撒冷的教会会准备这些在复活节洗礼的弟兄姐妹。Churches in ancient Rome and Jerusalem prepared baptismal candidates for an Easter baptism during the three weeks prior to that great Holy Day.

回到牛津大学后,我在自己那一大堆信件中看到了老朋友伯特。杰弗里斯的一封来信,他曾和我一起接受洗礼,那时是一名海军陆战队二等兵。When I got back to Univ, I found in my stack of mail a remarkable letter from my old friend and baptismal partner, Marine Private Bert Jeffries.

教会将于二月份将再有一次受浸聚会。请准备好要受浸的弟兄姐妹与郑弟兄或者郑姐妹联络。The church will hold a baptismal service in February. Brothers and sisters who are ready to be baptized please contact Brother Jeng or Sister Jeng.