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燃气炉在后院为烧烤而设。Gas stub for Barbeque in Backyard.

每个竞选帐篷都免费提供烤肉餐。Free barbeque meals are in every campaign tent.

可折叠烧烤架是其中的一个产品。One of our products is a foldable barbeque grill.

烧烤。烟熏火燎中坚守岗位的老爹。Barbeque. Dad sticked to his work despite of the smoke.

奥哈拉一家,来到了“十二橡树”的烧烤聚会上。The O'Haras drive to Twelve Oaks for the barbeque there.

第二天,奥哈拉一家驱车前往十二橡树参加烧烤聚会。Next day, the O'Haras drive to Twelve Oaks for the barbeque there.

霍姆斯特德和他的孩子们吃烤肉在新墨西哥州博览会。Homesteader and his children eating barbeque at the New Mexico Fair.

这是否为一池日光浴,还是会被用来招待客人在烧烤?Is it a sundeck for a pool , or will it be used to entertain guests at a barbeque?

这次烤肉野餐意图打破最大型烧烤盛会的世界纪录。The barbeque was meant to shatter the world record for the globe's largest grill-off.

在星期三晚上,梅根容克,一布里斯班居民,曾与她的邻居烧烤。On Wednesday night, Megan Junker, a Brisbane resident, had a barbeque with her neighbors.

我们提供西餐套餐,自主餐,烧烤,鸡尾酒会,您要哪种?We provide a set-menu dinner, buffet, barbeque or cocktail party, what is your preference?

中秋节当晚艾美酒店将在中庭花园举办中秋烧烤派对。In addition, Le Méridien Xiamen will hold a barbeque on the evening of Mid-Autumn Festival.

昨天晚上我独自出门到附件的一个市场去,晚上10点的时候,那里是一个露天大排档。Last night I went out on my own to the local market which by 10pm is one big barbeque area.

你看到一个让你非常兴奋的东西。对我来说,那很有可能是韩国烤肉。And you see something that makes you very excited. For me, maybe it would be Korean barbeque.

我们决定在山谷中烧烤,所以我们We decided to make a barbeque in the valley, so we collected some tree sticks to make a fire.

这场烧烤为巴拉圭迅猛发展的养牛业吸引了众多眼球,也为慈善事业募集了资金。The barbeque drew attention to Paraguay's booming cattle industry and raised money for charity.

采购产品吸尘器,食品处理器,烤肉烤架,茶壶,头发干衣机,果汁器,混合器。Vacuum Cleaner, Capet Washen, Food Processor, Barbeque Grill, Kettle, Hair Dryer, Juicers, Mixers.

这意味着,公司每隔几周都组织员工周末去看电影,每两个月还搞一次烧烤。That means visits to the cinema on a weekend every few weeks, a barbeque for them every two months.

“烤肉比起缓慢烹饪会产生更多的致癌物质,”Olver说。"More carcinogens would be expected to be produced from barbeque than by slow cooking, " says Olver.

罗斯福酒园加州红是炭烤猪排以及煎牛排的绝佳搭配。Our Grand Pacific Heritage Red is a perfect complement to Barbeque Pork Spare Ribs and Beef Stir Fry.