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如果你是一枚珠贝。If you are a bead shell.

是晨曦遗漏的珠子么?Is bead which the dawn omits?

珠帘活动隔断。Bead curtain activity partition.

他撩开珠帘子走了出来。He went out through the bead curtain.

玦中心缺口吊饰玉珠。Jue hang adorn jade bead central gap.

她不小心吞下了一颗玻璃珠。She accidentally swallowed a glass bead.

凡珠在蚌,如玉在璞。Every bead in clam, like jade in the raw.

又一次,让人看见生命的气息,宛如一粒珠粹。Again, somehow, one saw life, a pure bead.

几滴汗珠弄湿了他的前额。The odd bead of sweat was dewing his brow.

在焊道表面两侧作一空腔。A cavity is made on both sides of weld bead.

以介螺壳制造珠子也非常费工。Bead manufacture was likewise labor-intensive.

如果你是一枚珠贝,那么,我宁愿是海。If you are a bead shell, so, I am a sea rather.

这次是那个儿科医生举枪瞄准。Thia time , the pediatrician diew a bead on it.

玻璃珠凝胶在使用之前不需要水化。Glass bead gels need not be hydrated prior to use.

敏珠被带走,她家的房子也被烧了。Sensitive bead was taken away, her house was burned.

热风把珠帘吹得拂到了桌子。The warm wind blew the bead curtain against the table.

每收齐一百篮子,我们便付给他们一粒琥珀珠。For every hundred baskets we gave them a bead of amber.

她的珠子项链和手镯在她走动时叮当作响。Her bead necklaces and bracelets jangled as she walked.

叠层片式铁氧体大电流磁珠—PB系列。Multilayer Chip Ferrite Large Current Bead – PB Series.

而金度恒也转学,珠英退学了。Constant also transfer the gold degree, bead dropped out.