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保罗二世的宣福礼意味着他在为人代祷中已经行了一次神迹。John Paul's beatification means he has had a miracle attributed to his intercession.

在十月十九日「宣福」成圣的德蕾莎修女,被认为是天主教会现代史上最快封圣的神职人员。Her beatification on Oct 19 is believed to be the fastest in the modern history of the Roman Catholic church.

如今,候选人最初的提名官员也有权建议教皇给其候选人施行宣福礼。Now, the official who promotes a candidate in the first place also has the power to recommend him or her to the Pope for beatification.

已故教皇保罗二世被册封为真福的前夜,数万名清教徒在罗马中部参加了守夜活动。Tens of thousands of pilgrims have joined a vigil in central Rome on the eve of a ceremony to mark the beatification of the late Pope John Paul II.

熙熙攘攘的人群为参加梵蒂冈的特别宣福礼弥撒而挤满了圣彼得广场,以及通向这个广场的大道及邻近的广场。Throngs of people jammed Saint Peter's Square, the boulevard leading up to it and nearby piazzas for the special beatification mass at the Vatican.

熙熙攘攘的人群为参加梵蒂冈的特别宣福礼弥撒而挤满了圣彼得广场,以及通向这个广场的大道及邻近的广场。Throngs of people jammed Saint Peter’s Square, the boulevard leading up to it and nearby piazzas for the special beatification mass at the Vatican.

教皇本笃宣告了这次宣福礼的程序,随后在群众的掌声中揭示了教皇保罗二世带着微笑的大幅肖像。Pope Benedict pronounced the beatification formula and a large portrait of a smiling Pope John Paul II was unveiled, to the applause of the large crowd.

罗马教廷周二发布了社交页面,这是在教皇保罗二世5月1日被宣福之前出现在圣徒面前的最后一一次。The Holy See launched the social networking pages Tuesday, in advance of the beatification of Pope John Paul II on May 1, the last step before sainthood.

保罗二世的宣福礼意味着他在为人代祷中已经行了一次神迹。他还需要再次被认定行有神迹后才能成为圣徒。John Paul's beatification means he has had a miracle attributed to his intercession. Another miracle will need to be recognized for him to become a saint.

当然,真实的奥维尔,我很高兴能在这里独家披露给大家,就这些他本人或者他文章的赐福,毫不理解。Of course, the real Orwell, whom I am delighted to be able to reveal exclusively to you, would have had no truck with all this beatification of himself or his prose.

围绕他的宣福的社交活动是在教皇Benedict赞扬在线社交媒体后进行的,即使认识到这种新技术的危险。The social networking campaign around his beatification comes after Pope Benedict praised online social media, even while identifying some dangers of the new technology.

本研究以九十八学年度嘉义地区高职实用技能班美发技术科学生为研究对象,透过问卷调查方式蒐集样本资料进行统计分析,藉以探讨学生学习满意度。This study is to explore learning satisfaction for students of practical technical program in department of beatification in vocational high school in Chiayi area by a questionnaire survey.

策展人的目的在于表达出摩尔更多超乎纪念碑式正派的东西,尽管他受到来自贝杰曼爵士的国家级礼遇,这几乎让艾伦·班尼特窒息。There is, the curators aim to show, a lot more to Moore than monumental decency, despite his undergoing the national beatification which befell John Betjeman and has almost smothered Alan Bennett.