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你又是如何表现的?How did you behave?

‘他们将如何表现?’How will they behave?

像对象一样运行。Behave like an object.

你守不守规矩?Will you behave or not?

他们表现出内疚了吗?Did they behave guiltily?

孩子们行为良好。The children behave well.

为什么那男孩不能守规矩呢?Why can't that boy behave?

朱蒂和露比行为相似。Judy and Ruby behave alike.

希望你不要跟某些人一般见识。Do you want to behave like him?

安静地坐着,规矩点。Sit quietly and behave yourself.

像海一般宽容吧!Behave tolerantly like the ocean!

规矩点儿!爸爸今天气头很大。Behave yourself! Dad is mad today.

王磊最近表现怎样?How does Wang Lei behave recently?

吉姆,你让王太子规矩点好吗?Jim, won't you make Prince behave?

出国时应当保持像国内一样的行为。Behave abroad as you would at home.

对外国人过度友好…Behave over-friendly to foreigners.

放规矩点,不然我就要打你。Behave yourself, or I will beat you.

从现在起,请你好自为之。From now on, please behave yourself.

我希望他们能守规矩。I wish they would behave themselves.

做一个可怜的怨妇?Behave like a pathetic, scorned wife?