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轻视自我。Belittle yourself.

他不能小看了爱情。He could not belittle love.

欣赏者有之,贬抑者亦有之。Some enjoy it and some belittle it.

不能小看他取得的成绩。Do not belittle what he has achieved.

别管他们是怎么想的。or just belittle their argument so much.

所以,不要轻视你自己或者他人。So don’t belittle yourself or anyone else.

我永远不再自怜自贱。Never again will I pity or belittle myself.

一个人小看自己,别人也会小看他。Mam belittles himself and others will belittle him.

把威灵顿捧得那样高便是小看了英格兰。To make Wellington so great is to belittle England.

我们不应该小看这些困难。There are difficulties. I mean, let's not belittle this.

远离那些试图蔑视你壮志雄心的人。Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.

但是眼光狭窄的人总是贬低他们不理解的事物。But small-minded people belittle what they don't understand.

不要仅仅因为你忌妒而贬低她的钢琴弹奏。Don't belittle her piano playing just because you're jealous.

绝不贬低他人,轻视或侮辱他人。Never abases or debases others, belittle or humiliate others.

各人都有各人的问题,所以不要小看自己和任何一个人。Every one of us has issues. So don’t belittle yourself or anyone else.

他还不失时机地贬低他的共和党兄弟们。He has also missed no opportunity to belittle his Republicanconfrères.

别太高估自己而轻蔑别人,那是要付出代价的。Don't think too high of yourself and belittle others, you'll pay for it.

我说过我并不想贬低其主要坏处。And as I say,I don't in any way want to belittle the central badness of that.

不要轻视自己,也不要忍受那些试图轻视你的人。Don’t belittle yourself and don’t put up with people who try to belittle you.

首先要记住的是恐惧心理对孩子来说是非常真实的,所以千万别小看这个问题。First keep in mind that the fear is very real to the child so never belittle.