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伯里兹所使用的基本货币单位。The basic unit of money in Belize.

贝里斯的首要输出品是什麽?What is the leading export of Belize?

这是根据EULA的法律伯利兹。This EULA is governed by law of Belize.

为什麽贝里斯的吼猴吼叫不那麽频繁?Why did the howler monkeys in Belize howl less often?

热带风暴“亚瑟”登入了伯利兹城海岸。Tropical Storm Arthur is spinning off the coast of Belize.

如果你想要多一点活动,贝里斯附近的海滩是个真正的游乐场。If you want more action, the sea near Belize is a real playground.

贝里斯是中美洲东北岸的一个小国。Belize is a tiny country on the northeast coast of Central America.

蓝色巨洞是伯利兹海面下的深穴。The Great Blue Hole is an underwater sinkhole off the coast of Belize.

伯利兹城早餐——油炸羊拐是伯利兹城最主要的早餐菜肴。Breakfast in Belize—fry jacks are a staple in Belize breakfast cuisine.

我们在伯利兹这里做资产盘点时,有许多问题值得深思。When we do our stocktaking here in Belize there will be much to ponder.

另一个例子是Belize一家提供有限服务的小酒店。Another example of hotel creativity is a small limited-service hotel in Belize.

报告指出,柬埔寨、中国、以色列、伯利兹及波利维亚取得了一定进展。Improved performance was reported for Cambodia, China, Israel, Belize and Bolivia.

我听说你有门路买到比较贫穷国家的护照,像是贝里斯跟东加。I've heard you can buy passports from less affluent countries like Belize and Tonga.

北与美国接攘,南与中美洲的危地马拉和贝利兹相邻。It is bordered by the United States on the north and by Guatemala and Belize on the south.

贝里斯原住民为马雅人,首批欧洲移民在一六三八年前后迁移于此。Originally inhabited by the Mayan people, Belize saw its first European settlers around 1638.

一条纵贯伯利兹南北的路就在四五英里外横穿森林。The new main north-south road in Belize was cut through the forest only four or five miles away.

2002年他在伯利兹执行一项医疗任务时,为一个病得很厉害的乡村巫医提供帮助。One 2002 missions trip to Belize found him ministering to a village witch doctor who was very ill.

贝里斯是世界第二大珊瑚礁的故乡,游客应该要搭船出海好好欣赏一番。Belize is home to the world's second biggest coral reef, and visitors should take a boat trip out to see it.

1979年,Rabinowitz去到伯利兹,在那儿待了三个月,发现这个国家到处都是美洲豹。In 1979, Rabinowitz went to Belize for three months where he discovered that the country was full of jaguars.

伯利兹上诉法院裁定2009年伯利兹电信业的国有化一事是违反宪法的。The Court of Appeal in Belize ruled that the country’s 2009 nationalisation of Belize Telemedia was unconstitutional.