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轻度退化草地地下生物量明显高于退化草地。Belowground biomass in light degraded grassland is higher than in severely degraded grassland.

但地下环境可能或许截然不同——温暖,潮湿,甚至可能有生命。But belowground the environment may have been very different—warm, watery and possibly even hospitable to life.

温带草地大部分生物量分布在地下,地下生物量在草地生态系统碳循环中起着重要作用。Grasslands play a significant role in terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle due to large biomass stored belowground.

核发储藏执照的主管机关则会要求,漏出的气体保证不会转移至地下某处密闭空间,而容易突然的洩漏。Regulators of storage permits will want assurance that leaks cannot migrate to belowground confined spaces that are vulnerable to sudden release.

刈割后,地上器官中的氮素含量低茬刈割处理高于高茬刈割处理,地下器官恰好相反。The content of nitrogen at lower stubble height was higher than that at higher stubble with in the belowground organs, opposite to the underground.

地上生物量季节变化与热源强度具有显著的正相关关系,而地下生物量季节变化与热源强度关系不明显。There was positive correlation between aboveground biomass and heating field, while there was not significant relationship between belowground biomass and heating field.

在演替过程中,根系生物量及其分布动态的研究,可以为森林群落动态学提供新的理论基础,是未来地下生态学研究的焦点之一。Further more, the research of root biomass and its distribution in succession can provide the new theoretic bases for forest dynamics, also maybe the one focus of the belowground ecology.

所在地为可爱的郡,最少人口的郡在48个州中,蒙通正好坐落在热沙漠当中和大量的地下石油和不多值得一提上面的。Seat of Loving County, the least populated county in the lower 48 states, Mentone sits smack in the middle of furnace-hot desert with oceans of oil belowground and not much to speak of above.

在这难得如此空旷的沼泽地狱里,几个芬兰乌戈尔部落终于出现了,身后留下了许多坟墓,其中有些还是地下,因为的沼泽是那么不近人情。On rare clearings in this swampy hell a few Finno-Ugric tribes eventually appeared and left many burial mounts behind, with some of them still belowground because of impassibility of the swamp.

植物地下部分的研究与地上部分相比一直较为薄弱,这主要归因于有效研究方法的相对缺乏以及新技术、新手段应用的滞后。The understanding on the belowground part of plants is much less explicit than that on the aboveground because available methods are relatively scarce and some new methods are not effectively used.