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说完,他起程回了贝拿勒斯。So saying, he departed for Benares.

但是,你可以住在贝拿勒斯,那是属于湿婆的所在地。But you may live in Benares , which belongs to iva.

随行人员乘小舟延着恒河进入神圣的贝拿勒斯。The party entered holy Benares by boat along the Ganges.

这一对父子鼓手来到贝拿勒斯的集市上。The two drummers , father and son, went to Benares Fair.

他给了他五种武器,然后送他回贝拿勒斯。He gave him five weapons. Then he sent him back to Benares.

王子随即胜利入城,成为贝拿勒斯的新国王。He entered the city triumphantly and became the new King of Benares.

从前,贝拿勒斯的国王去森林里野餐。Once upon a time, the King of Benares went on a picnic in the forest.

此事传遍了贝拿勒斯,呆在这里你只有耻辱。Word of it has spread and you have dishonoured yourself here in Benares.

贝拿勒斯城也因为它的诚实公正而远近闻名。Benares became known as a place of honest justice. In time the king died.

后来,有个贩马商人带着500匹马来贝拿勒斯卖,这些马包括许多种马、母马、马驹。Then one day a horse merchant arrived in Benares with 500 horses to sell.

他把贝拿勒斯城所有的大人物都召到皇家议事厅。So he called all the leading citizens of Benares to the royal assembly hall.

他向军队发出命令,立刻收兵还朝。He issued orders to his men, and he and his army returned at once to Benares.

因此他派了一些强盗去抢劫贝拿勒斯属地边界上的一个偏远小村落。So he sent some robbers to raid a remote border village belonging to Benares.

然后狗王西尔维开始慢慢穿过贝拿勒斯的街道。Then the Dog King Silver began walking slowly through the streets of Benares.

那时候,贝拿勒斯邻近的森林里有一位入定的寂静佛。In those days, there was a Silent Buddha meditating in the forest near Benares.

七个国王带着他们的军队包围了贝拿勒斯。Together the seven kings, with all their armies, surrounded the city of Benares.

他说他在贝拿勒斯亲眼看见一位瑜伽士在瑜伽的状态中死去。He said that in Benares he had witnessed the death of a yogi in the state of yoga.

科萨拉国王进到贝拿勒斯城,看见无人反对他。The King of Kosala entered the city of Benares and saw that no one was against him.

也由于好斗,弥达维德最终被迫逃离了贝拿勒斯。Because of all his fighting, Mittavinda was finally forced to run away from Benares.

在他的余生里,经过他的治理贝拿勒斯的人民生活幸福而安宁。Throughout the rest of his reign, the people of Benares lived peacefully and happily.