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肯当时还引进了身长18米的铰接式公交车。He also introduced 18-metre-long, "bendy" single-deckers.

通过使用可折叠的组分,这些屏幕将会变得易弯曲。By using flexible components, these screens will also become bendy.

利用传统方法将弯弯曲曲的管子伸入其子宫是不可能的。It is impossible for a bendy tube to reach the uterus via the traditional route.

她已在北印度的一处静修所教授了两年瑜伽。The bendy youngster has been teaching adults at an ashram, in northern India, for the last two years.

按照牛津大学的科学家们的说法,弯曲的机翼可能小型飞机的下一件大事…Bendy wings could be the next big thing for small aircraft, according to scientists from Oxford University.

而这次研究通过使用细小的可弯曲电线,既利用了无机材料的低电耗特性又满足了对皮肤材质柔韧性的要求。That's why this research, which uses tiny strips of bendy wires, marries low power usage with the flexibility needed for skin.

玩车足球,看你能达到多远,弯弯曲曲的公共汽车、石弩结伴在电力幻灯片你封闭道路在多传球。Play car football, see how far you can catapult caravans and bendy buses, power slide your way around a closed road in the Stelvio Pass.

把汽水倒入杯中,再放上硬托盘,放些鸡块在上面。You deserve a hands-free break. Pour the soda pop into the cup, place the tray on top, put your nuggets in there, then pop in a few bendy straws!

他赢得了竞选,而且到2011年尾的时候,7500多条小道上的396辆巴士将会被淘汰——到下年的市长选举的时候,他的竞选对手将会是利文斯通。He won, and by the end of 2011, all 396 bendy members of the 7,500 fleet will be purged—in time for next year's mayoral election, at which his opponent will be Mr Livingstone.

英国皇家学会说,“飞机设计师近来不可能停止使用刚性机翼,但是对于小型飞行器来说,弯曲机翼可能就是下一件大事。”The Royal Society said that "aircraft designers are unlikely to stop using rigid wings anytime soon, but for small micro-air vehicles, bendy wings might just be the next big thing."