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本尼得到了新工作。Benny got a new job.

本尼会做手倒立。Benny can do handstands.

本尼总是原谅他们。Benny always forgave them.

“发电站。”本尼说。A power station, ‘said Benny.

街角那家小店是宾尼和布兰卡的。Benny and Blanca own the corner store.

班尼把车从沟里拉了出来。Benny pulled the car out of the ditch.

贝尼考试不及格就扮鬼脸。Benny makes a face whenever he fails a quiz.

本尼赢得了一等奖。Benny won the first prize of the competition.

农夫说班尼能帮你把车拉出来。The farmer said Benny could pull his car out.

本尼非常技巧地锻造一套新*子。Benny forged a new set of forks with great skill.

当陈木胜,给我们留下了7岁,这是一个震惊了我们所有人。When Benny left us at age 7, it was a shock to us all.

老板在本尼系统地阐述了建议后批准了它。The boss approved his proposal after Benny formulated it.

得知真相后,班尼措手不及,卡通家族阵脚大乱。Know the truth, Benny surprise, cartoon family into confusion.

到了验收的那天,本尼走向前展示样品。On the day of evaluation, Benny went forth to show the samples.

幸运的是,一个农夫牵着他的老马班尼碰巧路过。Luckily a farmer happened by with his big old horse named Benny.

于是农夫让班尼后退,并把它拴到车的保险杠上。So he backed Benny up and hitched Benny to the man's car bumper.

像他的祖先一样,本尼有能力预知将来。Like his forefather, Benny had the ability to foresee the future.

因为本尼是个外国人,他的同事常常愚弄他。Because Benny was a foreigner, his colleagues often made a fool of him.

Benny严重低估了我们的狩猎能力和破坏力。Benny had severely underestimated our hunting and maiming capabilities.

本尼建议老板格式化生产工序等等。Benny suggested that the boss format the production process, and so forth.