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埃里克获得了博鳌亚洲论坛于1992年在绘画。Eric received a BFA in painting in 1992.

预祝年会取得圆满成功!I wish the BFA annual conference a great success.

它的主办者是北京电影学院导演系。It is organized by the Directing Department of BFA.

今天,我通过博鳌亚洲论坛,第一次公开并正式地表明我的立场。He expressed his view for the first time in public through BFA.

我是博鳌亚洲论坛会员,享受优惠价格参会。I am a BFA member who enjoys special discount on registration fee.

底特律的韦恩州立大学有非常棒的BFA戏剧课程。Wayne State University in Detroit had a really great BFA theater program.

博鳌亚洲论坛上的讨论焦点是经济,一体化,合作,社会和环境。Discussions at the BFA focus on economics, integration, cooperation, society, and the environment.

除了每年的年会外,博鳌亚洲论坛还赞助与亚洲事务相关的其他论坛和会议。In addition to its annual meeting, the BFA also sponsors other forums and meetings related to Asian issues.

希望中日双方加强沟通与合作,共同推动论坛的发展。He expressed his hope that China and Japan could strengthen communication and cooperation to develop the BFA.

博鳌亚洲论坛工作室美术专业艺术需要110-135学分,其中55个必须采取杜或与杜教授。The BFA Studio Art Major requires 110-135 credit hours in art, 55 of which must be taken at DU or with DU Faculty.

金大洪是一位在釜山工作的南韩艺术家,釜山国立大学美术学士、美术硕士。Dae Hong Kim is a Korean artist who works in Busan. He completed his BFA and MFA degree at Busan National University.

在这里我也愿意再一次重申,中国政府将一如既往地支持博鳌亚洲论坛的发展,谢谢!I would like to reiterate here that the Chinese government will support as always the development of the BFA. Thank you.

博鳌亚洲论坛前艺术,需要保护的主要110-135艺术学分,其中55个必须采取杜或与杜教授。The BFA Pre-Art-Conservation Major requires 110-135 credit hours in art, 55 of which must be taken at DU or with DU Faculty.

回顾博鳌亚洲论坛的创立背景和历次会议,分析它的特点以及发展中的矛盾和前景,指出博鳌亚洲论坛还是一个成长中的区域性论坛组织。The paper reviews the history, features and prospect of Boao Forum For Asia. And it is pointed that BFA is still on its way to a regional forum.

与中戏上戏一样,北电也是中国最顶级的表演艺术院校之一。Along with the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing and the Shanghai Theater Academy, the BFA is one of the country's top performing arts schools.

卢君赐分别于1998年及2005年获香港中文大学艺术系颁纯艺术学士及中国艺术史研究哲学硕士学位。LO Kwan-chi received his BFA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1998, and MPhil in Chinese Art History from the same university in 2005.

他于1957年出生于日本山形县酒田市,1983年毕业于国立东京艺术大学雕塑学系并取得学士与硕士学位。He was born in Sakata, Yamagata, Japan in 1957, and received his MFA and BFA in Sculpture from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music in 1983.

坐落在美丽的东屿岛上,拥有世界上保护最完好的河流入海口-万泉河入海口,是博鳌亚洲论坛年会的永久会址,是诠释博鳌文化的所在地。Located on Dongyu Island, the BFA permanent site is a place of Boao culture annotation, and has Wanquan estuary that the most intact estuary of the world.

我们的结果表明,由BFA诱导的胞吞作用的增强和胞吐作用的抑制导致了花粉管壁建成受阻,并最终引起花粉管生长停滞。These results suggest that enhanced endocytosis , together with inhibited secretion, is responsible for the retarded growth of pollen tubes induced by BFA.

张恩利,1965年生于中国吉林省,1989年毕业于无锡轻工业大学艺术学院后,目前生活工作于上海。Zhang Enli was born in Jilin Province, in 1965. He obtained his BFA from the College of Arts, Wuxi University of Light Industry, and currently works and lives in Shanghai.