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综合上述结果,说明福建省8个烟粉虱种群均属于生物型“B”。The results indicated that all 8 populations were of the biotype B.

结论该菌株毒力较强,其生化型为青藏高原生物型。Conclusions The tested strain has a strong virulence and belongs to Qinghai-Tibet plateau in biotype.

目的探讨在不同女性生殖道中解脲脲原体生物一群的耐药性。Objective To study the drug resistance of biotype parvo of Ureaplasma urealyticum in the female reproductive tract.

B型烟粉虱是目前我国蔬菜作物上的主要害虫之一。In recent years Bemisia tabaci biotype B has become one of the most important insect pests on vegetable crops in China.

这说明B型烟粉虱具有在短期内竞争取代浙江非B型烟粉虱的能力。The results showed that the invasive B biotype has the capacity to displace the non-B biotype in a short period of time.

最后本还探讨了B型烟粉虱入侵机制研究动态及其意义。Finally the importance of the invasive mechanism of B. tabaci biotype B and potential directions for future research are discussed.

结果提示,化学农药的施用可能是B型烟粉虱群体遗传结构的重要影响因素之一。The results suggested that application of insecticide might be one important factor affecting the genetic structure of B. tabaci biotype B.

研究了4种基质、喷施生物型有机营养液“宇花灵”与番木瓜插条苗生根率及成苗率的关系,以及插条苗的龄期对移栽成活率的影响。Effects of 4 matrixes, spraying of "Yuhualing", a kind of biotype organic nutrition on the rooting and seedling rate of papaya cuttings were studied.

结果说明生物型2的取食和产卵行为与其致害性基本一致,而生物型3则与其致害性不吻合。It was indicated that the feeding and ovipositing behaviors of biotype 2 conformed basically to its virulence, whilst in biotype 3 were inconsistent.

最后,探讨B型烟粉虱伪蛹形态可塑性在该害虫成功入侵过程中的作用以及研究意义。Finally, the role and the research importance of the morphological plasticity of thepsuedopupa of B. tabaci biotype B during the invasion were discussed.

初生共生细菌的系统发育分析表明,B型是入侵生物型,而浙江非B型是本地生物型。Phylogenetic analysis of primary endosymbionts based on 16S rDNA indicates that the non-B biotype is native to China while the B biotype is an invasive biotype.

此外,Q型烟粉虱在江苏是由苏中和苏南地区向苏北地区扩散,并逐步取代B型烟粉虱成为江苏地区农作物的主要害虫。The Q biotype has spread from Southern and Central Jiangsu to Northern Jiangsu and has gradually replaced the B biotype as a major crop pest in Jiangsu Province.

烈性传染病使战争的烈度大大加强,只是鼠疫、天花传染的区域有限,因而只对局部地区产生影响。Similarly, severe infectious diseases intensified the war, but plague and smallpox only infected a few areas. However, classical biotype cholera was quite different.

药剂敏感性的差异可能是B型竞争取代本地非B型烟粉虱的一个重要原因。Differences in susceptibility to insecticides between biotypes of B. tabaci are speculated to be an important mechanism for the B biotype to displace non-B biotypes of the insect.

牙龈薄的病人在矫正过程中可能有较高牙龈退缩的机会,因此应视情况进行矫正前牙龈移植的预防手术。Patients of thin gingiva biotype suffered from gingival recession after orthodontic treatment more frequently, so preventional gingiva graft procedure will be indicated for this kind of patients.