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夹头并不想伤害布莱尔。Chuck does not try to hurt Blair.

托尼布莱尔以为他是谁呀?JUST who does Tony Blair think he is?

但是,布莱尔没有真正忏悔。But Mr Blair evinced no real contrition.

有趣的是,布莱尔从未嗑药。The funny thing is, Blair never used drugs.

我们唱着着记忆里老布莱尔的赞歌。We trot out the old Blair mantra from memory.

挑战布莱尔将猎狐非法化的计划。Challenged Blair on plans to outlaw foxhunting.

或者去位于孟加拉湾中部的布莱尔港冲浪。Or go surfing in Port Blair in the Bay of Bengal.

你管这叫谎言,我叫它未卜先知“布莱尔?。You say "lie. " I say " eerily prophetic. "Blair?

和杰森·布莱尔的遭遇一样。In the wake of what I believe Mr. Jayson Blair fare.

同样显然的是,布莱尔不反对党派政治。Also obviously, Blair does not reject party politics.

乔治奥韦尔为笔名写作。Eric Blair wrote under the pseudonym of George Orwell.

在英国,没有起诉布莱尔的手段。Within the UK, there is no means of prosecuting Blair.

在听证会上,布莱尔并未直接回应范斯坦参议员的评论。Blair did not directly address the senator's assertion.

布莱尔希望赛琳好好想想,再做出正确选择。Blair hope SaiLin think well, to make the right choice.

这曾是英国支持布莱尔的主要理由。This was the central British argument in favour of Blair.

布莱尔风度翩翩,自诩为受欢迎的人。Blair was a self-styled regular guy with buckets of charm.

你能想象没有布莱尔·沃尔多夫的上东区是怎样的吗?Can you imagine the Upper East Side without Blair Waldorf?

布莱尔说,全球的力量正在向东亚和南亚转移。Blair said global power is shifting to East and South Asia.

那么,布莱尔为何没有“胆量”将戈登•布朗革职呢?So why did Blair not have the “balls” to sack Gordon Brown?

1948年,他从美国新泽西布莱尔斯镇的布莱尔学院毕业。In 1948 he graduated from Blair Academy, in Blairstown, N.J.