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他只能看到一个朦胧的景色。He could only see a bleary view.

Lincoln揉揉惺忪的睡眼,半眯着眼睛看了看他。Lincoln squints and rubs his bleary eyes.

她由于缺乏睡眠而双眼昏花,布满血丝。She had bleary red eyes from lack of sleep.

巴布罗那双目光呆滞的眼睛望着他。Pablo looked at him through his bleary eyes.

他看上去目光呆滞,茫然若失。Pablo looked at him through his bleary eyes.

他的眼睛眨眼开放的,仍然眼睛模糊。His eyes blinked open, still bleary . Already?

所以当我接到电话时,我还是非常迷糊的。So I was often pretty bleary when the governor called at that hour.

在一张双层床铺位上,羽绒被下冒出一颗睡眼朦胧的头来。From under the duvet of a bunk bed, a bleary head briefly popped up.

可知,睡眠不足容易导致的症状不只是睡眼朦胧和哈欠连天。However, too little shut-eye causes more than bleary eyes and big yawns.

接下来我所知道的,就是我躺倒在酒吧的地上,眼睛模糊,一片迷茫。The next thing I know, I am lying on the floor of the bar, bleary and confused.

见到睡眼惺忪的朋友,我的第一反应不再是认为他前一晚曾彻夜狂欢。No longer do I instantly assume my bleary eyed friend has been partying all night.

对新来乍到者先留意的是某些设施。With all of those bleary -eyed check-ins comes a new emphasis on certain amenities.

或是,你一觉醒来,由于时差两眼朦胧,来到一个你没见过的城市,并有宾至如归的感觉。Or you wake up, bleary with jet lag, in a city you've never seen before and feel you've come home.

周末被乒乒乓乓的敲打声惊醒,心脏突突跳得厉害,不得已强睁开惺忪的睡眼。Tap the beat-up by the weekend, the heart palpitate looked up , the last strong open our bleary eyes.

他夜以继日地学呀学。他从来都没有感到这么累过,并且已经打算睁着模糊的熊猫眼去上学了。He was staying up nights, had never felt so weary, was going to school with his eyes puffed and bleary.

因为当时原本应该承认耶稣的犹太人的眼睛被模糊了,所以才造成耶稣被迫走上了各各他之路。Because the eyes of the Jewish people who should have been able to recognize Jesus were bleary , he ended up being deserted at Golgotha.

尽管睡眼朦胧,我还是来到伦敦的一座中世纪的房屋,希望能在这里找到我希望解决的问题的答案。Bleary eyed, I somehow managed to make the right train connections and wind up in the right place, a medieval house just outside of London.

“我们这群人没有一个能睡饱觉的,”睡眼朦胧的布什总统在熬夜决定是否轰炸伊拉克后说道。"None of us have had a great deal of sleep, " a bleary eyed President Bush said after burning the midnight oil deciding whether of not to bomb Iraq.

你所有的邻居,或者说至少是昨天还在家里睡觉的那些人,现在都在外面的路上,看起来双目无神,不知所措。All your neighbours, at least those who slept at home last night , are out at the end of their driveways, looking bleary -eyed and bewildered, talking quietly.

早起是一种习惯,就像任何习惯一样需要坚持和承诺保持。我们花了近3周才找到了窍门,从睡眼惺忪的僵尸一样在厨房晃荡到不再懒床。For us it took nearly 3 weeks before the bleary eyed zombie walk down the hall to the kitchen passed, but now that we've got the hang of it I know there's no turning back.