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难道是你手中的血迹?Is it just the bloodstain on your hands?

血迹是命案现场上常见的痕迹之一。Bloodstain is one of the most common traces at the scene of crime.

在方向盘上,在测量仪板,沾有男孩的血迹。On steering wheel, on gauge board, but also moistens has boy's bloodstain.

你留下了我亲吻的痕迹,我保留了你激情时斑斑血迹。You had left the mark for my kiss, and I remained the bloodstain of you were excited.

这样,法医可以利用血迹是受害者的年龄范围缩小到20年以内。So forensic scientists could use a bloodstain to narrow a victim’s age to within two decades.

只剩下本人们暂时地餐桌上,四处是飞溅地稀薄血迹。Is only left over on our temporary dinner table, everywhere is the splash sticks the thick bloodstain.

第一颗子弹穿过她的右大腿,在她紫色的短裙上留下一大片血迹。The first bullet passed through her right thigh, thus there was a a lot bloodstain on her purple skirt.

嫌疑犯洗过他的衣服,可法医专家仍然在衣服上找到了一处被害人的血迹。Legal medical expert still found a bloodstain of the murdered in his clothes although the suspect had washed.

嫌疑犯洗过他的衣服,可法医专家仍然在衣服上找到了一处被害人的血迹。Legal medical expert still found a bloodstain of the murdered in his clothes although the suspect had washed it.

目的比较几种不同清洗方法对外科手术器械残留血迹的清洗效果。OBJECTIVE To compare the results by using different methods to clean and remove bloodstain on surgical instruments.

门后有一痰盂,内有大量血性液体,周边有滴状血迹。Door hind has one cuspidor, there is liquid of many courage and uprightness inside, periphery has drop record bloodstain.

课题包含利用流体物理学规律,以及物理学和三角学的应用来对血溅形态进行分析。Topics include the physical laws of fluids and the application of physics and trigonometry to bloodstain pattern analysis.

一个死亡的玄色咒语,一件死神的灰色雨衣,一群亡灵的粉色QQ,一抹伤心至死的乌红血痕。A dead black spells, a god of death"s gray raincoat, a group of undead pink QQ, with a sad to death the bloodstain of red."

是100多年充满着血印泪的中国近代史,记载着我们民族付出的无比深重的代价。Is filled with more than 100 years of modern Chinese history bloodstain tears, records of our nation paid a very great price.

黛玉因看见宝玉左边腮上有钮扣大小的一块血渍,便欠身凑近前来,以手抚之细看。Observing on his left cheek a bloodstain the size of a button, she leaned over to look at it carefully and laid one Finger on it.

我认为血液分析正在被越来越多的滥用,他说,我的学生中,大约有五个作法自毙者。"I think bloodstain analysis is being used and abused more and more, " he said. "Of my students, there are about five Frankensteins.

然而,送他出去的银行职员发现他的口袋里露出一把刀,而且他的裤子上还有血迹。However, the staff member escorting the man out of the bank noticed the knife sticking out of his pocket and a bloodstain on his trousers.

如果是近距离射杀,那大巴车的座椅和窗户上都会有遇难者的血迹,而这些血迹仅仅在座位上和大巴车的地板上被发现。She said that there would be bloodstain on the windows and seats of the bus when the gunman shot tourists at close range. However, dry blood just existed on the seats and floor of the bus.

目的探讨常见载体上的微量血痕DNA的提取方法、PCR循环次数对STR扩增成功率的影响。Objective To study the influence of different DNA extraction methods combined different PCR cycle numbers on STR analysis from trace bloodstain on various carrier often seen in forensic area.

一个恶棍在法兰克家中的派对上痛殴另一个恶棍,法兰克更关心的是羊驼毛地毯被血污弄脏,而非流血的那个人,性格的两面一起出现。Both sides come together when one thug bashes another during a party at Frank's house, and he is more concerned about the bloodstain on his alpaca carpet than about the man who has bled on it.