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在一月某个刮大风的日子里,我必须到外头去干活。One blustery January day I had to do some outside work.

大风的日子里没有什么比得上一杯热可可饮料。There’s nothing like a cup of hot cocoa on a blustery day.

呼啸的春风已经减弱,成了习习的微风。The blustery winds of spring had dropped to a gentle breeze.

妈妈是在十月的一个大风天打电话到学校里告诉我爷爷死了。Mom called me at school on a blustery October day to tell me Grandpa had died.

十月的一个刮大风的日子,妈妈打电话到学校里告诉我外公死了。Mom called me at school on a blustery October day to tell me Grandpa had died.

试试以上的建议,试着在寒冷的天气开心一点。Try some of the suggestions above to get a little happier during these blustery days.

跟副行长的最后一场面试定在一个寒风凛冽的一月份的一天。The last interview with the vice president was scheduled on a cold, blustery January day.

在大雨天和大风天,撑着一把伞身体完全湿透是常见的。On a rainy and blustery day it is not unusual to get soaking wet when wrestling with a troublesome brolly.

狂风没有影响到双方的防守,但狼队的定位球给曼联制造了很多麻烦。Blustery conditions did little to aid either defences, and Wolves' set-pieces caused United untold troubles.

夏天,一个有风的日子。天空中飘浮着很多好看的云朵,它们千姿百态,争奇斗艳。It was one of those blustery summer days. The clouds chased each other across the sky and begged to be watched.

他穿着运动装,很是单薄,他的助手飞快地走上前去,给站在冷风袭袭中的他,披上了一件温暖的外套。Wearing only a thin track suit on a cold, blustery day, his assistant was quick to drape a warm coat over his shoulders.

前天发生的事件,在昨日就已变得模糊,而今早明媚的阳光又让那幕场景在我的脑海里亮堂起来。Yesterday the events of the day before had dimmed. This morning the blustery sunshine illumined and animated the whole tableau.

但是美国的部分地区还在经受着严寒与狂风,因此还有相当一段时间,奔跑者们要在跑步机上度过。But some parts of the U. S. are still experiencing cold and blustery weather, so runners are still spending lots of time on the treadmill.

站在阳光下﹐我边喝咖啡边想﹐不知多风的冬季气候﹐又在老家华盛顿特区怎么淘气胡闹。I take another sip of coffee, standing in the sunshine, and wonder what blustery winter weather is making mischief back home in Washington, D. C.

鲍尔默有着风风火火的个人风格。他不知疲倦地为他的公司做宣传,每年转着圈地在全世界参加各种会议和活动,进行几十场演讲。He has a blustery personal style and campaigns tirelessly for his company, speaking at dozens of conferences and events each year all over the world.

伴随着狂风大作,洪博培在自由女神像前宣布加入竞选总统的行列,并警告了美国暗淡的前进方向。In blustery weather with the Statue of Liberty as a backdrop, Jon Huntsman entered the presidential fray with a bleak warning about the country's direction.

一场狂风将在美国圣克莱尔河玩漂流的1500个美国人吹到了加拿大,使密歇根州这一年度聚会变成了“跨国乱局”。An annual event in Michigan turned into a cross-border headache when blustery winds pushed 1,500 Americans on floatation devices from the US side of the St. Clair River into Canada.

目前,南昌EMS面临的市场环境急剧变换,国际上的行业巨头大兵压境,国内的竞争者又风起云涌。At present, Nanchang EMS faces the market environment transforms suddenly, the international on profession giant main strength threatens the border, the domestic competitor also is blustery.

最近某个平常的工作日夜晚,华盛顿市中心的车辆艰难地往前挪动,行人们努力在大风中站稳,费劲地往家中走去。On a typical weekday evening in downtown Washington recently, motorists inched along in stop-and-go traffic, pedestrians braced themselves against a blustery wind, trying to make their way home.