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两位领导人星期一在印尼渡假胜地茂物的夏宫进行会晤。The two leaders met Monday at the summer palace in Indonesia's resort of Bogor.

茂物目标事关亚太经合组织的信誉、凝聚力和未来发展。The Bogor Goals concern APEC’s credibility, cohesiveness and future development.

茂物目标中期审评是2005年APEC韩国年的重点议程之一,也是关系到APEC今后发展方向的关键性工作。The mid-term stocktaking of the Bogor Goals is one of core issues for 2005 APEC Korean Summit.

该研究将加强与茂物目标中期评估的互动。The linkage with the second term review of Bogor Goals will be strengthened while carrying out this study.

根据茂物宣言,今年是该组织工业化成员国完成贸易自由化承诺的截止期限。This year marks the deadline for industrialized members to meet trade liberalization commitments under the Bogor goals.

雅加达老旧的通勤列车从茂物到市中心需55分钟,耗费时间是开车的两倍。Jakarta's ageing Commuter Line trains makethe journey from Bogor to the city centre in 55 minutes – twice as fast as thecar.

迪玛和厄玛都被饲养在印度尼西亚爪哇岛西部城市茂物的一家动物医院里。The animals are being looked after at the 'Taman Safari Indonesia' Animal Hospital, in Cisarua, Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia.

阿克马德的计划不但得到了家里的支持,也得到了茂物地方政府和西爪哇省长达尼“斯蒂亚万的拥护。Achmad's project has gained support not only from his family but also from the Bogor regency administration and West Java Governor Dani Setiawan.

当务之急是争取如期实现茂物目标,并推动世界贸易组织多哈回合谈判早日取得成果。The top priority now is to achieve the Bogor Goals as scheduled and seek early outcome of the Doha round of talks of the World Trade Organization.

他是茂物农业大学的毕业生,报章杂志撰稿人,并在互联网上开设了一个环保博客。A graduate of Bogor Agricultural University, he has written for magazines and newspapers, and he now maintains an environment blog on the Internet.

关于茂物目标审评,今年共有5个发达成员和8个自愿参与的发展中成员接受了茂物目标审评。As to the review of the Bogor Goals, 5 developed members and 8 voluntary developing countries have taken the review since the beginning of this year.

茂物目标,即发达经济体到2010年,发展中经济体到2020年,在亚太地区实现自由开放的贸易和投资。"Bogor Goals, namely, free and open trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific by 2010 for industrialised economies and 2020 for developing economies".

茂物目标中期审评是2005年APEC韩国年的重点议程之一,也是关系到APEC今后发展方向的关键性工作。The mid-term stocktaking of the Bogor Goals is one of core issues for 2005 APEC Korean Summit. It is also a key work closely relevant to the future of APEC.

中国支持将发达成员如期实现茂物目标作为亚太经合组织近期工作重点,稳步加以推进。China therefore supports APEC in giving priority to meeting the Bogor Goals by developed members in its near-term agenda and taking solid steps towards this objective.

二是以茂物目标审评为契机,进一步实施贸易和投资自由化便利化,加快推进区域经济一体化。Second, take the opportunity of review of the Bogor Goals to step up trade and investment liberalization and facilitation and accelerate regional economic integration.

亚太经合组织应该继续秉承茂物目标精神,主动适应新情况,积极应对新挑战,发挥自身优势,不断改革完善,发挥更大作用。APEC should carry forward the spirit of Bogor Goals, adapt to changes, tackle new challenges aggressively, use their advantages, make reform and improvement continuously and play a bigger role.

亚太经合组织发达成员应该采取有效措施,确保明年如期实现茂物目标,为本地区经济贸易持续增长注入新的活力。The developed members of APEC should adopt effective measures to meet the Bogor Goals on schedule next year, so as to inject new vitality into sustained economic and trade growth in our region.

我们应该以今年茂物目标审评为契机,推进贸易和投资自由化便利化合作,加快商品、服务、人员、资本在本地区便捷流动。We should use this year's Bogor Goals Assessment as an opportunity to advance cooperation in this area and move faster towards unimpeded flow of goods, services, people and capital in our region.

过去19年,我们在实现自由与开放贸易的茂物目标方面显示了决心,付出不懈努力,这已经为亚太地区创造了繁荣。The past 19 years of determination and persistent labor towards the attainment of free and open trade under the Bogor Goals have produced an extraordinary period of prosperity in the Asia-Pacific.