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他从束缚中解放出来。He was delivered from bondage.

他做了自己野心的奴隶。Heis in bondage to his ambition.

永远逃离了生命的束缚。You escape the bondage of life forever.

只有基督的奴仆才有真自由。True freedom is found in bondage to Christ.

墨菲斯说,“和其他每个人一样,你生来就被奴役。”Like everyone else, you were born into bondage.

我们要冲破保守僵化思想的束缚。We should break the bondage of ossified thinking.

我也没有受到其它任何一种束缚。Nor did I come under any other particular bondage.

唯一适合的解释是她曾被长时间绑住。The only reasonable explanation is long-term bondage.

是呵,家庭,社会与学校的束缚是何等的严紧呀!Yes, how repressive is the bondage of family, society and school!

我感到自己就像是从桎梏的梦中醒来,发现枷锁已经打开。I felt like rising from a dream of bondage to find myself unshackled.

奴隶主们有时允许奴隶为自己赎身。Masters sometimes allowed their slaves to buy their way out of bondage.

当然,党宣称已把无产者从枷锁中解放出来了。The Party claimed, of course, to have liberated the proles from bondage.

仅因为罪人没有意识到他们在捆绑中并不能改变这个事实。Just because sinners don't realize they are in bondage does not change reality.

那些奴隶的可怜的状况让他放弃的对自己的社会的效忠。The abject condition of those bondage saw him abjure all fealty to his society.

我们为孩童的时候,受管于世俗小学之下,也是如此。Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world

并要释放那些一生因怕死而为奴仆的人。And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

自动化正开始把工人从机械简单又刻板重复的苦役中解放出来。Automation is beginning to release workers from the bondage of mindless , repetitive toil.

她想让我尝试所有的性体验,比如说蒙住眼睛、捆绑和打屁股。Shewould like me to try all kinds of things, including blindfolding, bondage and spanking.

一个被铁链锁住的母亲别无选择。只能把这种束缚分给她的子女。A woman enchained cannot choose but give a measure of that bondage to her sons and daughters.

从出生到死亡,有些人甚至可以说不仅是从生到死,奴隶的身份成为了世世代代不可磨灭的印记By a cradle to grave and some would've even said a cradle to grave and beyond--human bondage.