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她让一个和尚犯了很多错。She made a bonze make many mistakes.

都说外来的和尚好念经,大概这句话是不错的。Say ab extra bonze good recite scriptures, probably this word is pretty good.

唐僧“江流儿”身世的故事是一个复杂的文学现象。The story of Bonze Tangs "river current" life experience is a complex literature phenomenon.

所以,让你在兴奋之余,有种“丈二和尚摸不着头脑”的感觉。So, let you be in excited, gutty " 2 bonze feel a unit of length to be not worn brains " feeling.

由此看出,指空虽是一位来自印度的僧人,当其以“禅师”面目出现时,他即已经是一位很中国化的僧人了。Although Zhikong is form India, when he appears as a face of "Chan master", he is already a very Chinese bonze.

同时,深耕本地也成为深圳企业应对“外来和尚”的方法之一。In the meantime, deep ploughing this locality also becomes Shenzhen enterprise to answer " ab extra bonze " one of methods.

原来是她当和尚的叔叔,发现了蝴蝶叛教的事。他登门问罪,下令所有亲戚和蝴蝶断绝往。It is her uncle. the bonze who has found out about her conversion. he arrives and commands all the relations to renounce butterfly. ?

一日,红叶被人追杀,在河边遇到小和尚施吉,俩人结为莫逆。A day, red autumnal leaves is chased after to kill, small bonze is encountered to apply auspicious in river side, two people knot is very friendly.

架构和盈利模式,由于大部分都是半路出家的和尚,只能念些碎碎的经。Framework and profit pattern, because be the bonze of become a monk late in life for the most part, can read aloud only some broken broken classics.

成书于我国明朝时期的十五、十六世纪之间,作者是藏传佛教噶举派僧人桑杰坚赞。This book had been finished during the 15 or 16th century in Ming Dynasty in our country. The author was the bonze of Gaju genre of Tibetan Buddhist.

梁令瓒为唐代开元集贤院学士,曾与僧一行合作设计过浑天仪,是一个学者暨画家。Liang was a palace scholar in Kaiyuan era, Tang Dynasty. He has invented the armillary sphere in cooperation with bonze Yixing. He was both a scholar and an artist.

由于他出生在一个禅僧世家,所以从他的作品中可以充分体验到日本传统文化在景观设计中的表现。He was born of a bonze family, so we can have rich experience from his productions that the traditional cultures of Japan are expressed in his landscape architecture designs.

有个女人为了超度亡夫,但送的银子份量不足,和尚就念让亡灵到东方的经辞。A woman dies for release souls from purgatory husband, but sent silver deal is insufficient, bonze reads aloud let the soul of a deceased person arrive Oriental classics demit.