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中国看不起说大话的人。Chinese look down on the bouncer.

这就像是夜总会中的保镖。This is like a bouncer in a nightclub.

我可不想成为一个和事佬。I'm not gonna be a bouncer in this thing.

我发现看门的家伙怪怪的看着我。I noticed the bouncer looked at me strangely.

迪斯可舞厅的保镖把四个酒醉的青少年赶出去。The disco bouncer threw out four drunk teenagers.

这个俱乐部雇用了一个保镳来驱逐捣乱分子。The club hires a bouncer to keep out undesirables.

那时他就不会叫我跳跳蹦蹦的人,来侮辱我了。He couldn't insult me by calling me a Bouncer then.

你男朋友好壮啊。他可以去酒吧里当保镖。E. g. your boyfriend is buff! He should be a bouncer.

和保镖乐趣将是一大乐趣他们。And bouncer fun is going to be one big pleasure to them.

我想,是幸运之神帮了我,如若不然,就是我遇到了一位好骗的门卫。I guess luck was on my side, either that or a gullible bouncer?

我往右边瞥了一眼,酒保已经怒了,叫了一个保安过来。I glanced to my right and saw the bartender pissed and calling over a bouncer.

酒吧店主从背后将醉汉打昏后,酒店保镖把他抬了出去。The barkeeper cold-cocked the drunk from behind and the bouncer carried him out.

当你回来,孩子们将仍然发挥保镖内,可以肯定的。When you come back, the kids will still be playing inside the bouncer , for sure.

九十一岁的玛塔?奥兰妮丝表示,她很期待成为挪威年纪最大的保镖。Marta Aurenes, 91, says she is looking forward to becoming Norway 's oldest bouncer.

小花映红了我的笑脸,蹦床蹦出了朵朵浪花。The floret reflected the red my smiling face, the recreation bouncer jumped a spray.

保安迅速地冲了过来,于是我快步朝好朋友高迪走过去。The bouncer approached very quickly so I walked briskly towards my best friend Goldie.

如果有一个最终的真人大小的玩具,他们希望,这将是一个充气保镖。And if there's one ultimate life-size toy they want, it would be an inflatable bouncer.

你只需要购买一个充气保镖设置和您的企业可以发起离地面。You only need to buy one inflatable bouncer set and your business can be launched off the ground.

但,有些游戏比如最终幻想,合金装备和保镖,几乎都只是些大型互动电影。However, some games like Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid and The Bouncer are almost just large interactive movies.

格奥尔基朝亚历克西瞟了一眼,酒馆保镖似乎已做好了准备,他结实的手挪向猎装下面隆起的部位。Georgi shot a glance at Alexi. The bouncer seemed prepared, his beefy hand poised to reach for the bulge in his safari jacket.