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塑料海藻小鱼群。Through plastic kelp and Bream.

如果我的梦想成真,我将有很多钱。If my bream comes true, I will have lots of money.

这道鱼汤是用鲷鱼、鲈鱼和海鲂做的。The fish soup was made with sea bream sea bass and john dory.

把金目鲷鱼柳及其他材料沾上天妇罗粉浆。Dip sea bream fillets and other ingredients in tempura batter.

针灸可以用在鲷鱼,这家公司计画开始在鲑鱼上测试。The acupuncture can be used on bream and the company plans to begin testing it on salmon.

目前有关黑鲷磷需要量的研究尚未见报道。Until recently, no data has been reported on phosphorus requirement of black sea bream juveniles.

希腊是最大的地中海鱼类养殖国,每年出口超过6万吨鲷鱼和鲈鱼。Greece is the biggest farmer of Mediterranean fish, exporting over 60,000 tonnes of bream and bass.

采购产品海鲜,冷冻鱼即黑鲳鱼,鲭鱼,印度,西班牙鲭鱼,鲹鱼。Seafood, Frozen Fish Ie Black Pomfret, Indian Mackeral, Spanish Mackeral, Yellowtail Scad , Treadfin Bream.

试验结果表明鱼油、豆油为黑鲷配合饲料可选用的优良脂肪源。The study results suggest that fish oil and soybean oil are good fat sources for the feed of black sea bream.

黑鲷属鲈形目、鲷科、鲷属,是我国东南沿海及日本、台湾、东南亚等国家和地区海水养殖的名贵经济鱼类。Black sea bream is one of commercially important marine fish in China and has been widely cultured in recent years.

湖北菜肴中最有名的要算武昌鱼了。武昌鱼是一种淡水鱼,一般采用清蒸方法烹制。Perhaps the most celebrated element of Hubei cuisine is the Wuchang fish, a freshwater bream that is commonly steamed.

生鱼片是鱼生的简单切片,通常是咸水鱼,诸如黄狮鱼,金枪鱼,海鲷和章鱼比较有名。Sashimi is simply slices of raw, usually saltwater fish like yellowtail, tuna, sea bream and squid to name just a few.

我们要采购海鲜,冷冻鱼即黑鲳鱼,鲭鱼,印度,西班牙鲭鱼,鲹鱼。We want to buy Seafood, Frozen Fish Ie Black Pomfret, Indian Mackeral, Spanish Mackeral, Yellowtail Scad , Treadfin Bream.

本文论述了黑鲷饲料中最适蛋白质含量及动、植物蛋白比例的有关研究。The paper deals with the optimum protein content and the ratio of animal to plant protein in the diet of the black sea bream.

指向星际空间的能量发射器将需要巨大的能源供应——远超过目前全球的能源供应能力。An interstellar energy bream projector would require vast amounts of energy -- far more than our current world power utilization.

在真鲷精子的冷冻方面我们得到了一套完整的冷冻保存方法和质量检测方法。In this paper, some cryopreservation experiments about sperm and embryo of red sea bream are reported and a series of conclusions are got.

跟随我们的专家——寿司大厨来准备这道用海鲷和蟹肉做的生鱼片菜肴,学习如何来准备一份用蟹肉和海鲷鱼做的生鱼片。Follow our expert sushi chef in preparing this delicious dish using sea bream and crab. Learn How to Prepare Sashimi Using Crab & Sea Bream.

黄鳍鲷结节病的巨细胞与哺乳类动物结核病的巨细胞差别在于其核的数量及排列方式。The differences between the giant cells of the tuberculosis of black bream and those of mammal are the numbers and arrangement of the nuclei.

这些“吊舱”得到的评分是“优秀”,其取暖和冷却系统效率极高,采用了地源热泵技术。The pods received a BREAM “excellent” score and feature a high efficiency heating and cooling system that utilizes a ground-source heat pump.

咸亨酒店的招牌菜有脆皮鸡、酒醉红枣、茴香豆还有香酥黄酒渍鳊鱼。Xianheng's delicacies include crispy-skinned chicken, smoked red dates in rice wine, beans flavored with fennel, and crispy bream in rice wine.