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砌砖是父亲的职业。Bricklaying was Father's trade.

砌砖时应挂线进行砌筑。Control lines shall be used for bricklaying.

这倒是瓦工自己提出来的好建议。This is the good proposal that him bricklaying offers.

我现在要告诉你一些有关砌砖的事。Now, i'm going to show you something about bricklaying.

为节约钱,这个从没干过重活的城里人,每天都要亲手砌砖。To save money, the city dwellers have never done hard work, bricklaying hand every day.

砌筑部位的灰渣、杂物应清除干净,基层浇水湿润。Clean up the ash rubbish and clinkers on the bricklaying parts, and keep the base humid.

在我们家干活的两个瓦工是亲兄弟,而两个木工是父子。Two bricklaying that in us the home works are full brother, and two carpentry are father and son.

如今,Joshua正在学习砖瓦活,他已经3年没和犯罪扯上关系了。Today Joshua is taking part in a bricklaying course and has not been involved in crime for three years.

河砂滑动层在砌筑时,要随砌随铺,禁止大面积预先铺放。River sand shall be paved with the progress of bricklaying and extensive paving in advance is forbidden.

砌砖时应使用木槌或橡胶槌进行敲打找正,不得使用铁槌敲打。Wooden hammer or rubber hammer but iron hammer shall be used to knock and align bricks during bricklaying.

一个给定的市场可能是一种产品,比方说新鲜的玉米。A given market might be for a product, say fresh corn, or the services of a factor of production, say bricklaying.

我遇到的例子比喻我砌砖审查作家创作风格的账户。I encountered examples of the metaphor of bricklaying in my review of writers' accounts of their composing styles.

本文论述了砌砖工程中常见的一些质量问题,亟需引起大家的高度注意。This paper discusses the common quality problem in bricklaying construction to call for attention from the professionals.

建筑工人的头部砌砖砂浆和方法,以减少混凝土空心砌块,这造成了我们的问题。Construction workers in the head with bricklaying mortar and methods to cut concrete hollow block, this has caused our problems.

应按搭配方案的规定数量往炉上运砖,严禁混乱使用。Bricks shall be conveyed for bricklaying as per prescribed combination and quantity and misuses of bricks are strictly forbidden.

贴砖是消费者最重视的,瓦工的工钱也从过去天天50元涨到如今的天天120元了。Consumer values patch block most, the pay of bricklaying also goes up 50 yuan to nowadays everyday from in the past everyday 120 yuan.

为了获得尽可能廉价的劳动力,西印度公司有时候还会培训一些奴隶成为熟练的劳工,比如木工、瓦匠之类的。In pursuit of getting the cheapest labor force possible, the Company sometimes trained slaves in skilled labor such as carpentry and bricklaying.

采用喷涂修复与传统的炉墙重砌相比,不仅节省了大量的维修时间,而且降低了维修费用,效益显著。This repair method compared with re- bricklaying the furnace wall, much time for repair could be saved and the maintenance cost could be decreased.

本公司生产与经营多种装饰工具,包括油灰刀、抹泥板、砌砖刀、刷子、滚筒等。The company producing and managing multiple adornment of tools, including the putty knife, and anointed bricklaying city-state, knife, brush, roller, etc.

主要适用于刚玉砖、高铝砖、粘土砖及相应预制件的砌筑,并可作为勾缝填充料使用。It is mainly suitable for corundum brick, high aluminum brick, clay brick and relevant bricklaying of fabricated parts and can also be used for filling gaps.